↠Jealousy - 015

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Sage Marie Mary and James Potter have never felt so disregarded in their entire lives

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Sage Marie Mary and James Potter have never felt so disregarded in their entire lives.

After the events that happened with Lord Voldemort and his follower in England, Sage and James decided that it was best if their friends knew not much about it. Too many of the self-proclaimed Lords followers went to school with the group of five now for them to spread their opinions. Not to mention, Sirius has family that are his followers too, and it would go over well for him.

But sadly, Sage's friends are too quick to judge and make assumptions. The rest of the boys jumped to the conclusion that she trusted James more than any of them. And Sirius, quite loudly, accused Sage of having feelings for his best mate. Sage was visibly upset with his accusations and James jumped to her defense.

It did not go over well.

"You really trust him more than us! I can't believe you!" People in the Gryffindor commons room looked disturbed by the scene of the famous Marauders fighting, especially with their beloved Queen. "It's not that I don't trust you! Not at all! I believe it would be safer if fewer people understood the real situation at hand!"

Sirius laughed bitterly, Remus looked shocked and almost betrayed, Peter wore a glum expression. "So of course you willing trust James in this situation. It's always James with, isn't it? I mean, honestly, he knows more about you than anyone else! It's almost like your in love with him!" Sirius was getting closer to Sage.

James took a visible step toward Sirius, almost warning him not to come any closer to their friend. "Oh, don't tell me," James and Sage looked confused, "You really do have feeling for him, don't you!" Sage looked stunned by his words. "Have you gone bloody mad!? I can't believe you just said that," Sage was obviously close to tears as she stared at Sirius's furious expression. James looked at Sage and then at Sirius.

"Are you that dense?" James pulled Sage behind him as he started yelling. "What has gotten into you?" Remus stood up from where he was sitting and looked at James like he was a fool. "Into me?! Remus, I thought you were the smart one! How can you not see that this is a problem for Sage and the Ministry to work out in private?" James began to turn red in the face from anger.

"Maybe it is! But if that's the case, then why do you know! Huh?" Sirius began arguing again, "Is it because you two know everything about each other? Because you love each other?" Sage looked appalled. "Sirius, It's not like that," Tears had begun to stream Sage's face. "Really, it isn't? Because I'm beginning to think you are quite the harlot, Ms. Mary," Both Remus and Peter's jaws dropped at Sirius's words.

James leaped towards Sirius and grabbed him by the shirt. "How dare you," He hissed. By the time the other 3 boy glances over to see Sage, they saw Professor McGonagall standing in the doorway holding Sage as silently yet obviously cried. "You four, I expect you in my office immediately," Her voice held frustration and disappointment. McGonagall walked out with Sage still in her arms.

James let go of Sirius and stormed after the pair that just left.

The remaining three boys were left in thick silence. The tension could be cut with a knife at that point. "You lot are blood twats," Marlene Mckinnon stood in pure rage with Lily standing next to her.

So now here the two were, almost 3 months later, sitting alone in each other company, which they were convinced it better than others. James was completely okay with letting summer come and not reconciling with his friends, as was Sage. But, that didn't mean their friend's words still didn't hurt.

Walking down the halls ten minutes before curfew, James Potter was quickly returning from turning in Sage's library books for her. The girl had been studying every bit of information she could her hands on as it was the week before their OWLs testing. He was happy to say that he had at least some idea of what to do because of the Queen. Turning the corner, he came face-to-face with someone he had absolutely no desire to speak to. Sirius Black.

"James... Are you still mad at me?" Sirius looked like a guilty dog. Which he was. "Not mad, I was only mad for a day or two, I'm just upset." Sirius was confused. "I'm only upset that you think so... So low of me... And her,"

And that was it.

James Potter and Sage Marie Mary had nothing to do with the other three Marauders for the rest of the school year and summer.

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