You Have Facial/Body Piercings

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Joseph Seed-

Joseph is not a vain man and would feel the same way about you despite the way you looked or the way you dressed. So when you showed up with all of your piercings in, he was definitely shocked and asked why you had been hiding them. You were concerned about showing him in case he had some sort of distaste for them. He didn't have any strong opinions on them but it did take him some time to get used to them. If you had a lip piercing he would he slightly hesitant to kiss you for the first few times, not being used to the feeling and not wanting to hurt you.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob wouldn't judge you on something you wear, or if you died your hair a funky colour. So when he discovered all of your piercing he was a little shocked and a little confused. He didn't quite understand why you would get so many facial/body piercings, you just explained how you liked the way they looked and he accepted it. He began to grow some what fond of your piercings, thinking that they added to your appearance and made you look more accurate to your personality.

John Seed-

John could be vain at times, but not when it came to you. You could shave your head or get a massive tattoo on your face and he would still love you. He was definitely interested when he saw all of your piercings, taking his time to process each one. He asked why you would do that and once you explained to him that you simply liked the way that they looked, he agreed. He liked the way that they looked on you as well. A tongue piercing would have been a startling yet pleasant surprise for John.

Faith Seed-

She loved you unconditionally and isn't a vain person. She would be curious and probably kind of fascinated about your piercings, probably asking questions and asking to see all your different pieces of jewellery. She ending up loving it, and seeing all of the different rings and studs that you owned. She would buy you more, picking out her favourites and just admiring the way that they looked on you.   


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