Chapter 23. Epilogue.

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"I will be all that you want." - Leona Lewis.



"How long is this pain gonna be? I can't take this pain anymore!" I whined as I felt the contractions of my daughter. "Just a couple more centimeters and you can get the Epidural." "I told you guys I didn't want the damn Epidural!" I yelled at the nurse. I shooed her away as Rah followed her, apologizing for my behavior.  As soon as he came back I wanted to smack the spit out of him. "So you following bitches now?" I asked as the sweat trickled down my face. "The hell is your damn problem? You was being rude to her so I was just tryna apologize. Chill out man." 

I screamed out in pain as I felt another contraction hitting. "Don't talk, please, don't. Just hold my hand." I whispered, shutting my eyes tightly. He sat next to me, rubbing circles on the back of my hand as I cried silently. "I cannot do this shit anymore Rahmell. It hurts so much." I cried. He rubbed my back, comforting me. "Just a little more Tues and then you can push." He kissed my hand. "I love you." He smiled. "Love you too mami." 





That day was the best day of Rahmell and Tuesdai Carter's life. They had a healthy seven pound daughter that they named Madison Grey Carter. She was their sunshine and moon at the same time and they couldn't be more happier. Rah and his father finally buried the hatchet and went on with their lives with Rah threatening him from time to time.

"I wanna know what turns ya onnnnn." Rahmell sang in Tuesdai's ear on the night of their one year wedding anniversary. She giggled as he serenaded to her. of course Rahmell couldn't sing, but you couldn't tell him nothing when he was in his own world. "Tell me what I gotta do to please you, baby anything you say I do, cause I only wanna make you happy, from they bottom of my heart it's true!" He sang. Tuesdai couldn't hold in her laughter as her husband fell to his knees, sweat dripping from his forehead as he opened his arms wide dramatically.

"Baby, please let Joe sing his own song." She giggled. He glared with those hazel eyes she adored. "Whatever, niggas try to do something nice and get laughed at. When I take yo ass to McDonald's next year I hope you alright with it." He mumbled as he took his seat and a sip of the expensive wine. "And we'll see who won't be getting any that night." He stopped drinking, just staring at his wife as she threatened him.

He had recently gotten off of pum pum punishment and it was no way in hell he would do be back on it so soon. "You know I'm just playing baby." He smiled as she rolled her eyes. "Mhm." She laughed. "So here's to a new year with the most importan twoman  in my life." He smiled, raising the glass as he waited for Tues to do the same. She did and their glasses clanked, bringing their arms down and the glasses to each others lips. "Can you believe everything we've been through?" She asked.

He nodded his head as the boat Rah rented for the night swayed back and forth. "Yup, that shit made us stronger, now we got a beautiful one year old daughter." He smiled. "And another one on the way." Tues smiled down at her invisible baby bump. "Come again?" He asked. She chuckled and pulled out the sonogram that she had just got yesterday. "Two weeks." She said as Rahmell stared at the picture for what seemed like way too long.

He looked up at his wife, as his hazel orbs brightened. He got up, holding out his hand for her to grab. "Dance with me." She looked at him as if he lost his mind. "There's no music Rah." "Just pretend." She laughed. Rahmell grabbed her waist and placed her small hand in his as they swayed back and forth with the water. "I love you mami." He kissed her lips. "I love you too papi."




"Madison where's daddy's tie?" Rah asked his one year old daughter. She giggled, jumping up and down as if she knew exactly what her father was saying. Rah sighed as he picked up her chubby body blowing raspberries on her cheeks. She laughed like it was the funniest thing she had ever encountered. "Do you know where daddy's tie is baby?" He asked. She grabbed his nose with her drooled on fingers.

"Tues!" He yelled. "What Rahmell?" She asked as she walked down the stairs. He couldn't help but to stare at his wife as she sashayed down the stairs in a black maxi dress that held all her curves. "Rah." She snapped him out of his daze. "Have you seen my tie?" She looked around the room until her eyes landed on the tie he had been looking for. She walked over to the pile of baby toys she'd clean up later and dug through them, finding the tie and tying it around his neck.

"Thanks wife." He kissed her lips as Madison made noises. Tues grabbed the baby, placing kisses on her face. "When will you be back?" "I'm not sure babe, you know how business gets." He shrugged the blazer on his shoulders. She nodded. "Promise me something." She looked into his eyes. "Anything." He said with no hesitation.

"You'll always comes back to us."

"With no doubt."



.                                                                                  The End.

Hi guys. :) Sooo, how was the epilogue?? This story was one of my favorites, idk, but I had sooo much fun with this story! Hopefully you guys loved the story as much as I did because I worked sooo hard on this lol, but anyways leave me some comments and votes! 

Love You All!

-Tushari :) 

Baby Maddy is in the mm. 

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