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The party was fun, but now it's time to get back to reality. The day after I walked around the area seeing if there was a park or something I could hang out at. I found one not many people are at. It looks so much like the one in my drawling. I found a nice willow tree to hide in. It's leaves fell to the ground. Meaning I had a wall betweene and the world. I was sitting enjoying the scenery I could see through the leaves. Then I heard a voice at my ear.

"You always find a tree to sit at to feel calm."Ed's hot breathe hit my ear making shivers run down my spine.

"And you always scare me when I'm there. What do you want anyways?"

"We have to look for a person. He is said to be very dangerous... So you need to get back to headquarters."

"Why can't I come?"

"Did you not hear the words very dangerous!"

"Fine... Come to me right after so I can look at your possible wounds."

"Will do."He left and so did I but we went opposite directions. I got to headquarters and went to Roy's office I knocked.

"Come in!"

"Hi. Do you need anything done on headquarters? Ed wants me to stay here but I have nothing to do."

"Can you take these papers to Hughes office?"Riza asked.

"Sure."I took them and went over I knocked.

"Come in."

"I have papers from Riza and Roy."

"Ed told you to stay while he does the task?"

"Yep. Anything you need help with?"

"You can go through the files and organize them."I walked over and started filling. I heard the phone ring and Hughes picked it up.

"Maes Hughes speaking."

"It's for you."He hands me the phone.


"(Y/n)! Brother got hurt badly we're at fifth street!"

"I'm coming!"I said put the phone down and ran to fifth. When I got there Ed was up against a wall. I took out different cloths and did my alchemy. Ed after a few minutes woke up.

"What the hell did you do!"I yelled.

"I'm sorry."

"You can tell me to stay safe, but I'd rather get hurt then see you like this!"I started tearing up. I felt a hand wipe away the tears.

"You're an idiot you know.. Damn it! Why did you guys have to learn so much from me!"


"What happened?"

"We lost him.. But he's not a human.. He's a humunculie.."

"Al take Ed back to the hotel and make sure he gets his rest. I'll go tell Roy."

"Okay."I walked to Roy's office and told him. Then I finished the filling. After it was already 4 pm. I started walking to the hotel. On the way something happened.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It pulled me into an alley. I looked to see who it was it was Ed.. But the look in his eyes.. It was different. He pinned me to a wall.

"Ed what are you doing?"I asked. I saw Ed get close to my face. I slapped him knocking him down.

"You can't be Ed..."I then saw Ed change into a different person.

"Awe I thought I wouldn't have to hurt you.. You are so cute too.."He got close to me. I then saw a flare of fire in front of me the man had gone...

"See you later princess!"He yelled. I looked to see who made the flare.

"Roy!"I went up and hugged him.

"I knew you walking around by yourself was not a good idea."

"So you followed me?"

"Your questioning the person who just saved your life?"


"You can't walk around by yourself... You then are just asking for attention."

"Great... Why are my curves always talked about!"I said.

"Because you seemed to have mat-"

"Matured f as yet than most. Yeah I know."

"I'm walking you the rest of the way to your hotel."


"Are you trying to!"He yelled. It then went through my mind.

"You know what that actually sounds like a good idea if you walk me."We walked the rest of the way.

"Goodnight (Y/n)."

"Night Roy!"I walked up to my room and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and did my routine. I walked next door and knocked. Al opened the door.

"Wake Ed up please."He went to wake Ed up. Ed walked out of his room and over to me.

"Last night when I was walking to the hotel a man who looked like Ed talk to me and I knew it wasn't Ed he then transformed. I was about to not have a great night and Roy got him to run away. Roy now wants me not walking alone. So you guys have to walk with me atleast this morning."

"Okay. I wanted to know why you were out so early anyways."Ed said. We did the usual coffee but I had to stop at Hughes's office.

"Hughes what time do you start walking here at?"

"About 6:00 why?"

"Roy wants me to not walk alone because something happened but I can't get Ed up every morning. So can I walk with you?"

"Yeah your hotel is only a few building down from mine and I usually pass by it. Also did 'it' happen."

"No. I just was caught by a humunculus named Envy."

"See you tomorrow morning!"

"Bye!"I walked out and we walked to the park with the willow tree. Once we got there I started sketching. I felt something over my shoulder but ignored it.

"(Y/n) when did you become such a great artist!"Al asked. But he was not t The one over my shoulder.

"We should hear back. You guys may have a task and I have training."We got up.

"Training with what?"Al asked.

"I don't think you'll like it.."

"(Y/n) what is it?"Ed asked in a angered voice.

"How to use weapons..."I looked at Ed. He looked so sad, yet angry. When we got to the headquarters.

"Al I have to ask Ed something. Can you go figure out if there's something for y'all to do."

"Sure. "I grabbed Ed and brought him to a more secluded area.

"What's up with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your not acting yourself."

"You should know what this is about."

"Usually I would say it's the weapon thing but I feel like it may be the thing with Envy."

"You haven't seen it? I mean sure I'm mad about those things but still."

"Ed, you have to tell me I can't read your mind!"

"Using one of my own lines against me.."

"Edward."I saw his face go a bit pale. I hadn't called him that in years..... Since the incident... He regained his composure.

"I have been the only one for a long time you really hung out with... Then we came hear... And Roy started with... And I haven't been able to hang out or be with you... For a while..."

"So you miss my attention?"


"Okay... We can always hang out.. You just need to tell me.."


Shortie (Edward Elric x Reader) ! Discontinued !Where stories live. Discover now