Ch. 33 - Secretly planted

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Pink Collins 😊

Have fun, mii hearties! 😘


We headed towards his study room.

"He's not in here!" I roared.

Beta Allen pointed at something.

To where his pointing, I saw a book shelf being partly removed from the wall.

Beta Allen makes his way near the misplaced book shelf. When he came in contact of the shelf, he moved the shelf further then in front of us lies a door.

"How come I know nothing about this?!" I hissed.

He just looked at me. "There's a reason why it's called a secret passage."

I was about to ask a question when he pressed a brick. The door opened.

"What the hell?!" I can't help but to curse. It's like I'm in some sort of movie.

He entered the door then the rest of us followed him inside.

"Secret passage??Where the hell will this fucking tunnel lead us?!" I gasped as Pink's image crossed my mind.

Beta Allen stopped and gave me one of his serious impassive look. "To your mate."

I hissed, "How much sure are you that she's in here?"

He sighed.
"We've seen your father took her here, Zed. I saw them myself at the CCTV I secretly planted in his study room."

"When did you plant it?"

"A week ago. My conscience bothered me so I decided to plant CCTV."

I snarled as I sprinted towards the tunnel.

I'm having mixed emotions right now. If she's with him, what will I do?? Can I really kill my own father? The man who I looked up to? The Alpha of my own pack?

I growled. Zac is roaring inside.

I pray that she's not with you, dad.

Or else, I'm left with no choice but to end your life. I love you but this is getting out of hand.

My mate...

She doesn't deserve being tortured like this. This is my fault. I should have known.

Pink, my love, I'm coming...

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