How Do We Control Her? (Drunk Y/N)

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A/N: Requested by @ItsCutieiz. Miahne, I haven't been updating everyday, but I am trying my hardest to update whenever I can. I have a dance competition and have had to train quite hard and have also had a crap ton of homework to do as well.

No One POV

You had just come back from the BBMA's in America and were all super proud of your achievements. Now that you had turned 21 two weeks ago, you were able to drink and to celebrate your achievements, the eight of you decided to buy some soju.

You weren't allowed to go out due to some obvious reasons, such as your fame,papparazzi and crazy fans, and to also prevent anything embarrassing from occurring and reaching the internet.

Jin and Namjoon had left to buy the soju about fifteen minutes earlier, and since the shop was just around the corner, they would be here any moment. Just then, you heard the door open and knew it was them.

"HYUUUUNGSSSS!" You shouted out and slid into the kitchen to see everyone already there.

"Y/N, promise that you will not drink too much like you did last time." Jin said holding the bottle away as you sighed and 'gave in'.

"Arraseo arraseo hyung." you replied when Jin smiled and handed over the small bottle of soju.

"CHEERS TO BANGTAN!" you all chorused before taking a large sip of soju and letting the cool, bitter yet sweet liquid rush down your throat.

The boys had quite a high tolerance when it came to alcohol, but the boys weren't aware that one bottle could make you into a completely new person.

As soon as you were nearing the end of your bottle, you could tell you were gradually getting tipsy, but you didn't dare tell the boys as they would probably take the bottle away from you.


"YAH HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I- wait Y/N?" Yoongi's eyes widened as he saw you. Immediately he knew you were drunk.

"Yahhhhhh Yoongleesssss you're so cuuuuutttte." You slurred as Yoongi's cheek showed a faint red in reaction.

"Jiminiiieeeeeee hyuuuuuunnnggggg. Can I squish yooourrr cheeeekkss? They'reeee soooo squiishhhyy!"

"What's up with her?" Taehyung asked after staring at you weirdly before Jin sighed.

"As you can see, our maknae is now drunk."

Before the boys could do anything you started dancing to the music in the background, your arms flailing about everywhere and your legs everywhere.

"I CANNN DIIEEE IN THIZ MOMENNNTTTTT!" You sang Forever Young by BLACKPINK as BTS shook their heads.

The last time you were drunk was a nightmare for them,

"YAH KIM Y/N!" Jungkook shouted trying to get your attention, but failed to do so.


"Aniya aniya. I'm okay." He refused as you poured and walked up to him.

"You love Y/N right?"

"Uh what are you doing?"

HYUNG DOESN'T LOVE ME!!" You started wailing as Jungkook groaned in annoyance.


"HYUNGG JUNKOOKIE HYUNG SHOUTED AT MEE!" You continued to sob and ran up and wrapped your arms around Jin's waist and embraced him.

"Y/N-ah, please come to your senses." Jin said calmly as you giggled.

"What senses? I don't have any. Cause I'm senseless.HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!" You started screaming as the boys groaned once again as you ran around the house squealing.

"LOOK NAMJOON HYUNG!I'M A BIRD!!!" You spread your arms before you started singing the wings outro.


"Y/N!" Jin shouted, but you didn't pay attention and continued to do your own thing.

"HOBI HYUNG!" You shouted and jumped on his back without and warning.

Hoseok stumbled a little before he grabbed your thighs to support your weight.

"goodnight." You said quietly and heard everyone sigh in relief as you smirked and poked your head up.

"SIKE! THIS BITCH AIN'T GOIN TO SLEEP TONIGHT!!! WHOOO PARTAYYYYYY ALL NIGHTTT!!" You jumped of Hoseok's back as the boys groaned again, knowing they would have to deal with you. But Yoongi being the genius he is, knew exactly what to do.

"N/N DO YOU WANT CHICKEN NUGGETS?" Yoongi shouted as you turned to him with gleaming eyes.

"NUGGETS? OF COURSE! IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION? GIMME GIMME!" You went up to Yoongi and saw him sigh.

"Y/N, I have to buy them first pabo."

"NUUUH! HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A PABO YOU BUTTHOLE!!" You shrieked and Yoongi covered his face with his hands.

"Miahne miahne. I will buy your nuggets now, arraseo? But please sit down in one place for now."

"ARRASEO HYUNG!" You saluted him and walked over to the sofa and plopped down onto it. Yoongi left the house to get your nuggets, and almost two minute later, you began again.

"Are my nuggets here yet? I want my nuggets."



"CHICKEN NUGGETS! WHERE ARE YOU?" You wailed just as the door opened and the aroma of nuggets went to your nose.

You grinned widely after sobbing and ran over to Yoongi and tackled him with a hug that almost crushed him.

"KAMSAHMNIDA HYUNG!" You shouted and snatched the box away before chowing the food down.

"Y/N, eat more slowly. You will choke yourself." Jimin said concerned you were eating too fast.

"ANIYA!" You said between a mouthful and managed to finish the twelve nuggets within 2 minutes.

"Done? Already?" Jin's eyes widened at you as you yawned.

"Goodnight." You said and laid your head on the counter. The boys were prepared for you to jump up again, but you never did.

"Y/N?" Jin asked, but you didn't respond as you were asleep.

"Okay, Jungkook can you take her upstairs? It looks like she's fallen asleep." Namjoon said as he nodded and carried you bridal style before tucking you into bed and chuckling.

"You sure are one crazy duckling Y/N, but I love you anyways." Jungkook smiled at your sleeping figure before giving your forehead a kiss and leaving you alone to sleep.

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