Upon Deaf Ears (Part 3)

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wtf babes wtf
5k nearing 6 now
where tf are you guys coming from
thank you all god damnit
also side note the last chapter i did, did it have 'Save My Baby' as the title or no? this is important info

future rizz, this chapter has Craig in it, if he makes you uncomfortable please skip this chapter, while I don't want to take down fics please stay safe and skip past it.


'Absolutely not!'

I eyed my mother, anger boiling in my chest at her response. I had asked her if I could go out with some friends, hoping for a miracle, that my words to her the week before would change her mind. Apparently not.

'Why not?' 'The stunt you pulled the week before was horrendous. How do you even have friends when you cant hear, let alone want to speak? You are safer here, no one will hurt you. You will stay here until your father and I-'

"I hate you!"

Those three words left my lips. I felt my voice crack as my voice rang out. It hurt like a bitch, but i continued.

"I hate you and dad. I hate how you want to control my life. My fucking life. The one that you gave me. Im supposed to choose what I want, whats best for me. Not live by your fucking rules. You both are going to have to fucking learn that im not a child. You both have to understand that I will get hurt. Who fucking cares if im deaf, and if i get mugged or if i fucking die. Anything is better than living with the most unsupporting, distrustful parents in the world. Now if you fucking excuse me, Im going to go."

I coughed as I walked away and into my room, tears streaming down my face. I packed a bag, grabbing essentials before stopping in front of my hearing aid. I reached out, grabbing it along with the black box.

me: jaren can you pick me up by the school?

jayren: yep, your mom agree?

me: not exactly, ill tell you once i get there, is it okay if i stay a few nights? i kinda already packed a bag

jayren: of course dude

me: thanks

I put my phone back in my pocket and double checked everything. With a nod, I picked up ny bag, making my way towards the door.

My mom was talking to me, trying to make me stop but i didnt care. "What did I fucking say? Im not listening to you. This is my desicion, I am old enough. If only i did this sooner." I croaked out, opening the door and slamming it behind me.

I made my way towards the school, checking back to see if she was following me. She wasnt.

My head pounded as I walked, feeling myself clutch onto the bag on my shoulder. Why me? Why is it me? What made you think taking away my hearing would help me amount to anything?

I froze in my spot once i looked over near the school gates. They were the three assumed to be bullies. Ive seen them pick on students before morning classes started, but why would they be here?

Jaren. My heart broke. Did he tell these jerks? A boy stood behind them, laughing and joking with them until his eyes met mine.

"Craig?" I croaked out. His shoulders sagged as pity flooded into his eyes. That was soon covered though as he tapped on one of the guys shoulder and pointed towards me. The guy smirked and walked over to me, Craig and his friends in tow.

Thet started talking, but all I could do was stare at the boy I thought was my friend. "Why?" Was all that could fall from my mouth. Craig started talking, but i couldnt make out much.

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