Chapter 6

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And I'm finally back with a new Chapter of Forbidden love :)

I saw a lot of you guys were getting pretty ansty about when the next chapter was coming out, I even got some inbox messages. And I appreciate it so much though. It lets me know that I'm doing an awesome job on this story. I honestly thought it wouldn't do so good because Twilight in general is kinda played out Lol.

But anyway....I love guys and thank you for the support.

And now on with the story!



(Jasper's POV)

As I made my way back to the house, I realized there was something I forgot to tell Carlisle about Bella.

If Bella found out about what I was...She would most likely want to stay with me more. Her need for Learning about the supernatural will only confirm that.

I sighed it felt so easy and yet it felt so hard. Alice had already told me that, that Newton kid was going to try and ask her out. She's barely been here for a full week and I already have competition by some weak human.

I was I supposed to get her away from Newton when I barely new her my self. This was defiantly going to be a challenge. And if this was going to be a challenge for me the I sure knew that it would be a challenge to for Newton.

How do you just pop up out of no where and ask of the police Cheft's daughter out.

I was going frustrated by the minute. Here I was fucking God of War,standing here about to piss my pants because I couldn't figure out how I was going to become closer with my own mate. To say it was pathetic was an understatement.

I growled and punched a nearby tree. Esme was going to probably yell at me for destroying trees so close to the house.

I reached the house and Emmett and Rosalie where sitting on the couch talking with Carilse and Esme. I heard Rosalie screech.

" You're kidding right? His mate had to me a freaking human. That can't be good. He should reject her"

I growled lowly, but it was loud enough for them all to hear.

" Not a fucking chance Rosalie" I snarled. " I love it how you can easily say that. When you were the one telling me I needed to find my mate and now that I've found her you want me to abandon her just because she's human, some nerve you have"

I really didn't mean to snap at Rosalie like that, but it was true. She would snap on me because she thought I was lonely and I needed the true love of a mate to calm me down, but now that I've found her she wants me to kick her to the side.

No one said anything so I  made my way up to my room and laid down staring up at the ceiling.

Oh yeah this was definitely going to be harder then I thought.


Today instead of riding my beloved motorcycle I decided to take my car. Alice gave me a hint today saying that it would rain and for some reason Bella wouldn't have her truck.

Today once again I was late to Banners class. Something about his class just made hate it. Maybe it was because I didn't like Banner much. When I walked in one scent hit me harder then all the rest. I took my sit next to Bella. Her scent was stronger then usual. I took in her image, well at least what  I could see and I noticed her hair was kind of wet.

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