01: A project assigned

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The studio emptied as the class came to an end, the dancers twirled their way out and went home from a long day
Sean's POV

"Hey Sean!" Will called in a tone of excitement, echoing through the studio, walking towards me in a bold stance

"Hey-" I stopped, trembling upon my step almost falling

Will immediately reached his arms out in support

"Woah, slow down boy" Will said worriedly, with a slight giggle

"Sorry" I scratch my head in embarrassment

I look down and scrunch my face, as I playfully kick the bag below me

"Thanks Sean" Will chuckled, picking up the bag and dusting it off before he hung it on his shoulder

"Oh that's-" I stutter, I felt my face beating as I continued to stutter

Will laughed

"Anyways-" Will let out the last's of his laughs and took a deep breathe before continuing

I look up as I was interested in what he was going to say

I mean he never fails to entertain

"I have a project that I'd like to involve you in, I think you would be great to help me spread this message" Will smiled

I love Will's projects and I'm always more than happy to participate so of course-

"Yeah! I'd love to" I said in excitement

"That's great, man!" Will rose his hand for a high five

I did the same gesture

"So I'll tell you some basic info-" Will began

"The progress might take a while, we will be at a cottage of mine, for a week or so, we all leave tomorrow, Meet here at 2pm, make sure to pack for the week, and the dressing for the video will be provided so no need to stress, and by We I mean, you and a few other of your close friends, who also chose to participate" Will Explained

"Any questions?" He asked

"Nope, you got probably everything I thought of, maybe even more!" I joked as we both shared a laugh

"I'll see you tomorrow, bud" Will and I hugged as we both waved and left


I looked outside and had no sight of my mom's car, again

*Phone ringing*

"Mama?" Sean Questioned as the phone stopped ringing

"Sorry, Sean, I slept in, I'm very tired today, Serris will pick you up okay" His Mom Explained

"Okay, bye" Sean said as the phone hung up

I let out a loud sigh as a drag my back against the wall sitting on the ground

Will walks out and closes the door behind him as he looks down at me

"What's up?" Will asked concerned

"Nothing" I said seeming emotionless

Will sighed and took a seat next to me

"Talk to me" Will demanded in a comfortable voice

"I don't know" I Shrugged

"Where's your mom?" Will Questioned

"She felt really tired, so Serris is picking me up" I Explained

"How are you feeling right now?" Will Asked determined to get an answer

"I'm honestly okay" I giggled

"Maybe I'm just tired" I Shrugged loosing my smile

"Sean," Will called

I look up at him

"No matter how much of a hard working man you are, you're still a kid, you're like my kid, so take care of yourself, due me a favour and get some sleep, no working late" Will strictly said

*Car honk*

"Now Get it! It's past your bedtime" Will joked

I chuckled and playfully nudged his arm, We share another hug and I wave goodbye as I got into the car.

"Hey Kid, hows class?" Serris Asked with a smile

"Good" I Shrugged

Serris continues to drive as I lay my head on the head rest

"We're here!" Serris shakes me

I refuse to wake up and just sit in the car, for a minute

"C'mon, or I'll lock you in the car!" Serris threatens

I groan and slowly grab my things and hop out the car

Serris and I walk in the house

It was a bit late, so I quickly freshened up and started to pack


"Ugh! Finally!" I whine and face plant onto the bed as my face pressed against the sheets and I cover my head with a pillow

Soon enough I slowly drift off to sleep

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