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Kaine wiped the drool from the corner of his lip before he stood up with determination.

'I need to get stronger and learn magic...I must protect thy body!'
{Recap end}
*knock knock*

"Young master..you're father is calling for you." The maid said.

"Oh. Okay,I'll be there soon." Kaine replied as he snapped out of his daydream.

'Omg I'm going to meet Lucius! I must not let him feel out of place! He will become my golden thigh to hug in the future! Must not mistreat.'
The large ancient oak doors swung open with a loud creak.

"Father!" Kaine yelled as he ran and hugged the man's thighs.

'Tch,not big enough' Kaine thought as he hugged his thighs.

The man laughed, his lips curled up before he pushed a small blue haired boy towards him.

"This is Lucius,he is your little brother." The man grumbled, leaving room for no debate.

"Eh? Little brother?" Kaine pretended to be shocked, he walked up to the boy and began to pat his arms and belly." Too skinny!" He yelled with a pout.

Lucius flinched,when he was touched.

"It's okay, lil'bro we shall fatten you up!" Kaine proclaimed as he hugged the child.

Lucius stared at his brother. 'What is wrong with this person?' He thought.

By now the man had already left the room to meet with the old madam, leaving the two boys to themselves.

Lucius let out a sigh in relief when kaine released him from the warm hug but froze once again when the Male grabbed his leg in shock.

"Ah! What happened to your leg?!" Kaine panicked as he saw the cut on his 'little brothers' knee.

"..I fell.." Lucius mumbled. 'Why is he panicking? It's just a cut...how strange,he's different."

Kaine's eyebrows furrowed as he reached out and placed his hand above the wound. His hand began to glow as the wound healed at an astonishing rate.

Lucius let out a little gasp as he looked at his new brother in amazement and admiration. "W-was that magic?" He asked quietly.

"Yep!" Kaine grinned as he held up the peace sign.

"Can you... teach me?" His eyes were hopeful as he looked up at kaine.

"Hm? I can try.." kaine smiled as he ruffled Lucius's silky blue hair.

'I can't believe it worked! I can use magic!'
Two years had passed after that day ,Lucius began to follow his brother almost everywhere, he was almost like a little puppy following his master.

"Brother!" Lucius yelled as he hugged kaine, tightly wrapping his arms around him.

Kaine laughed as he returned the hug "What is it?" He smiled.

"You can't look at her!" Lucius pouted as he stole back his brothers attention.

"Eh? Oh...do you like her? Sorry,I won't look again~" kaine teased as he began to read his book once again, his book about ice magic.

"That's not it..." Lucius mumbled as his gaze darkened.


"It's nothing, big brother!" The child beamed as he silently  wondered 'why is big brother so stupid?'

Hey! Back again!
Hope you enjoyed chapter 3!
If there were any mistakes please tell me ^.^
If you have any ideas please feel free to share.

Pic of older Lucius

Pictures aren't mine.


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