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-Hayley's POV-

So it's 5:30 pm and I reaallllyyyyy want Luke and Annie to not be together. She needs Hayden, when Annie felt sad in the past month, she didn't go straight to Luke, she went straight to her room and looked through pictures of her and Hayden and she still hasn't thrown away their friendship bracelet.

I'm trying to think of something so that will get Annie's feelings for Hayden to come back.

-Annie's POV-

"Bye mom, i'm going for a walk!" I say then leave the house.

I needed to clear my head from all the drama that's been going on.

I need to make up my mind, do I really like Luke? I mean he is a great guy, don't get me wrong. His blond hair, he is really tall, and i'm short.

Me and Hayden had this really awkward conversation on snapchat, he asked me if we could hangout, just the two of us, andddd... I said yes.

So later today i'm going over there.

• • •

I wear a simple cropped hoodie with some pj shorts.

Not gonna lie, I feel way more comfortable with Hayden.

I grab my bag and walk next door.

I take a deep breath and knock, Hunter opens the door, oh wow. I haven't talked to him in a while.

"Hey Annie, oh... Hayden's in his room"


I run up the stairs and walk to his room.

I knock and he opens in seconds.

"Hey Hayden" I say

"Hi" he says and envelopes me in a hug,


I missed his hugs. I breath in his scent, oh god I never want to let go. I unwrap my arms from his neck and put my bag down and sit on his bed.

"Let's go get icecream" he says.

As we walk to ice cream, we talk, about stuff, like how Hayley is and why we decided to move to LA. I missed this.

"Uh hi, can I get a chocolate cone and a peanut butter cone"

wow he remembers my order.

I quickly slap a 10 dollar bill on the counter, but Hayden grabs it and gives it back to me.

"Oh come on! let me pay" I whine

"Nope" he says as she gives him back his change.

As we walk back to his house, I munch on my icecream.

-Hayden's POV-

I grab a bit of ice cream and put it on Annie's nose.

Her jaw drops and she says "Oh it's on"

she slaps her cone on my face and we burst out laughing.

I chase her and grab her by her waist and pick her up.

"put me down" she says between laughs.

I put her down and I see that we arrived back at my house.

She takes a deep breath and says,

"I missed this"

God that made my day, no! week.

We say our goodbyes and I watch her walk back to her house.

I love her so much.

-Hayley's POV-

Yeah yeah! I made Hayden ask Annie to hangout and when she came home she was in such a good mood, and not trying to be snoopy, but I checked her phone and she didn't answer to Luke's messages in like two days.

So i'm happy about that.

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