Chapter 50

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It's finally prom time! I scattered around my room, looking for my dress, which was no where to be found.



"Looking for this?" Sera pulled out a long, flowy teal dress.

"Yes!" I snatched it from her and started to put it on. "Aren't y'all getting ready?"

"Amber is doing her makeup. And I need to find my dress."

"Oh." I looked around. "Well I'll just do my makeup right here."

I walked up to my mirror next to my bed, and started to paint my face.

Once I got to the eyeliner, I stared at all the colors. "Sera, which eyeliner color should I use?"

"How about that purple glittery one? That might match."

"Good idea!" I grabbed it and started putting it one, somehow managing to get a perfect wing.

After some time, we were all ready, and started heading out. "So wait, Kami, you never told us."


"Are you going with someone?"

"Umm.. I was gonna go with Blyke.."

"Omg!" Amber squealed.

"Calm, Amber." I laughed. "Can we just head to the gym, please?"

"Fine..." Amber grumbled.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped.

I turned around and seen Blyke standing there, wearing his tux. "Fancy meeting you here young lady." He said sarcastically joking.

"Sir, I've been told not to talk to strangers, and man you are strange." I remarked.

"Did you just-?" Sera turned and rolled her eyes.

"Puns are my life!" I yelled.

"Shall we, punkster?" Blyke joked.

"We shall." I grabbed his hand and we started walking together.

In the distance I could hear amber going "Awe they look so cute!" The whole way there.

I sighed. "Sometimes she can be a little extra."

"What!" She ran up to me and jumped on me.



I sighed. "Can you please calm down for a moment."

She backed off a little, took a deep breath, and looked back at me. "Okay."

"Good, now can we hurry and get there?"

"Yes madam."

I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

When we finally got to the gym, there were people already dancing and chatting.

I lead Blyke over near a corner where there weren't many people around.

"I hate being in the middle of crowds."

"Don't like being at the center of attention?"

"Blyke I'm serious. I get claustrophobic in crowds and my anxiety and overwhelm me."

"Well then."

"Sorry, that's why I just tell people I hate crowds."

"It's fine," Blyke put his hands on my sides while I put mine on his shoulders, and we started dancing for awhile.

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