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A/n: Numerous updates this weekend! 😃

A/n: Numerous updates this weekend! 😃

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The increasing frenzy of the snow storm made the windows threatening to bang open and the lights inside the house flickering on and off.

I dragged Jeno towards a vacant space in the hallway, ordering the cyborg servant that was polishing the vases to leave.

When we were finally alone, his dark eyes darted away from mine and stared at the floor with his lower lip bitten by his teeth.

"Jeno," I said, "how long were you listening to my conversation with Yuta?"

"I've heard about the competition," he bit his lower lip harder I'm afraid it might leave a bruise, "and the bosses. And about the-" his brows furrowed, "the president's son."

"You should stay away from this. Understood?"

"No, Sooji," his breathing keeps getting more erratic, "I will not stop until we find Jaemin!"

"I understand that he's special to you," I breathed, "but now is not the right time. You won't stand a chance if you'll go for him now. Believe me, Jeno, you're only gonna harm yourself."

"No!" his voice increased unexpectedly, "I don't know what you know about us. Or what my sister told you about us! But we're not children anymore! So stop telling me what to do--"

"I defended you from Yuta!" I said, "You need me."

He looked taken aback when I said that but it didn't stop him from yelling back.

"Why do you care about us so much?"

My heart paused the same time as my brain did.

"Because we have the same goal," I managed to say, "we fight for the same thing, Jeno. We are a team. So please, I beg you, listen to what I say,"  my voice softened, "Let me protect you."

Those words suddenly escaped ny mouth like it was what I was oathed to do since I was born. To protect people. To risk my life for others.

"Is that what you said to everyone around you? To Jeena?" he snapped, "were you able to keep your words?"

"That's not what it is about! I am trying to help."

"Well, you aren't. You're nothing like what Boss said. He said you're understanding and unselfish and... And..."

My eyes widened when the word "Boss" was mentioned.

"What did you say?"

Jeno's eyes flickered. "N-Nothing," he stuttered, "thank you for the meal and-" he paused, "and happy birthday. Renjun and I are about to leave-"

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