Kiss Me Once...

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It wasn't easy being in the top 1% of the school academically, and it was only his second year in high school. His classmates also never let him forget. The nicknames of "teacher's pet" and "kiss-ass" were often used, along with "nerd" and "brainiac." It didn't help that he was also on the slim side, having not inherited any form of muscle or athletic ability from his father.

Alan was ranked 3rd in honors for his entire graduating class, being in direct competition with Nicolette Kruse, who was ranked 2nd. She was also his closest childhood friend since kindergarten. Then, there was Thomas Thaxton, who was the current valedictorian for their class, and an enormous asshole to boot; with his substantial intelligence, charming face and athletic ability. The model student for being academically and athletically talented, as well as attractive, or the "Triple As", as he and Nicolette deemed, and it was a constant plague seeing his face in all of the honors courses every damn semester.

However, since Thomas was an overachiever, he wasn't in the current class that Alan was pretending to pay attention in: AP Biology. Since he had taken the course over the summer at a local community college that offered it, Alan was spared Thomas's arrogant presence for once.

Instead, Alan found himself half-heartedly listening to Mrs. Crowley enthusiastically lecture to the students about how to dissect a dead frog. Not one for wanting to deal with anything dead, Alan opted to not take part in the lecture by writing a detailed 18-page report on the anatomy of the bullfrog species. While Mrs. Crowley was highly impressed with the report, giving him an A+ without question, he was still required to attend the session and do any other assignments given.

With his chin resting against the palm of his left hand, Alan's green eyes that were behind thick, black glasses began to slowly glaze over as he listened to the instructions Mrs. Crowley was giving the rest of the class. He was incredibly tired, having stayed up too late last night playing an MMO with friends who made online.

"Ok everyone, go ahead and grab your scalpels. Make sure you are wearing your gloves at this point. You are going to make an incision right into the underbelly of the bullfrog..." Mrs. Crowley explained from the front of the class.

"Oh my god... this is so gross..." a blond-haired girl named Claire spoke with utter disgust. "I should've just asked my mother to let me stay home sick today."

"I know, I don't understand why we have to do this. It's not like any of us are going to be majoring in Biology in college anyway." replied Jess in disdain, who happened to be Claire's best friend, with curly brunette hair.

Alan quietly smiled to himself as he listened to their conversation, as they were directly across from him as he sat on the barstool at the lab table, trying not to doze off.

"You do it Jess, I can't handle it." Claire stated quickly, handing her friend the scalpel in a huff.

"You're buying me lunch today, you bitch." Jess sneered at her, only to see Claire blow her a playful kiss.

Alan actually adjusted his gaze towards them quietly, watching them with amusement, knowing this was going to be a show either way it went.

Carefully holding the scalpel in her right hand, Jess lightly poked the dead bullfrog that was resting belly-up on the silver tray with her left index finger. "Poor thing... probably didn't have the best of deaths..." she spoke softly, lightly poking its hind leg in passing.

"At least it's dead." Claire spoke harshly. "I'd hate to be dissecting a live frog. I would flip. my. shit."

"I'd probably throw the tray across the room." Jess answered back with a laugh, as she poked the other leg in the same matter.

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