Ready...Player Three?

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Newton grumbled as he pushed a stack of papers to the side and started to work on the next stack.

"Where in the nine worlds did Keith  happen to have gone?" Newton read, then folded each paper he finished reading. Putting each paper in one of two stacks, one stack that was full of papers that were not useful or too damaged to fully comprehend, and the other that had few papers, that held even the slightest bit of useful information.

"Sorting is and always will be a dull and tedious task, but in the sake of organization it has to be done." Newton sighed and turned his head when he heard the front door open, then close.

"Thank heavens, i was starting to think you got lost on the way back Keith." Newton stood up and turned his body. He looks to see it wasnt Keith at all, rather someone new, unfamiliar. He wore a long, black coat with silver buttons, a large black top hat and walked with a cane in his left hand. He had a three lines of white, blue, then red across his face and frizzy dull orange hair peakin out from under his hat. A monocle gently rested over his right eye.

"Why hello there young man. Might I ask what you are doing here?" His voice was raspy, as if he talked very little.

"I uhm you see here sir my frie-acquaintance and I are trying to find my little sister. She went missing a few months ago you see." Newton stumbled over his words. It hadn't occured to him that he and Keith were trespassing.

"Hahaha my boy, you're not in trouble, this little ol' cottage hadn't been used in years, decades even." The older man took a seat next to him and smiled.

"My name is Othello. And your name is?" Othello held a hand out to shake and Newton took it.

"Ah, my name is Newton."

"What a nice name for a nice young man."


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