Chapter 7

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"Race, you're not supposed to be putting weight on that leg," I warn as he gets up from the couch and makes his way to the kitchen without his crutches, "Go sit back down."

"And let you burn down the kitchen?" He challenges moving the boiling pasta off the hot burner, "Ya, I don't think so."

"I wasn't gonna burn down the kitchen," I laugh walking back to the living room getting Race his crutches.

"I gave it five minutes before I would be looking for a new apartment," Race laughs as I slip his crutches under his arms, "I've been in one fire this week. I don't need another." He quickly lifts his leg relieving it of the weight it was holding.

I take a seat at the counter watching as Race hobbles through the kitchen finishing up supper. "Dinner is served," Race laughs as he makes his way to sit on the other stool beside me, propping his bad leg up so it laid across my lap.

"Thanks for finishing it. I'll be a real cook by the time this thing comes off," I laugh patting Race's cast.

"By then we won't have a kitchen for you to ruin, because it will already be ruined. Therefore, stay out of my kitchen," Race instructors in between bites of his food.

"Don't have to tell me twice," I laugh leaning over quickly kissing Race before returning to my supper.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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