Chapter 49. Law vs. Justice

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Morgan sat on the edge of the bed and watched Hotch’s panicked eyes, waiting for an answer.

“Hotch, seriously…what do you think happened on that mountain?”

“I…I, uh…I must’ve left them. I drove away and left them and it was my job to protect them, and I…I didn’t..” It sounded as though he was becoming too agitated for his weakened, physical state. Morgan realized that same weakness was part of the problem; part of why his normally staid boss was so upset.

“Hotch. Listen to me.” Morgan took hold of both his shoulders and made sure the injured man’s eyes connected with his own. “Reid and Ana are safe. You’re the one who got hurt. But now you’re okay. You need rest and some time to heal, but you’re fine. Everyone’s fine. Understand?”

Hotch stared at him, reading the truth in Morgan’s face. When he felt some of the tension drain away, Morgan released his grip and sat up straighter.

“Relax, man.”

Just when it looked as though Hotch might actually do as told, the sound of feet pounding down the hallway, of someone running, started the adrenaline pumping again. Morgan stood, ready for whatever happened next.

When an out-of-breath Reid overshot his destination, grabbing the doorjamb to bring himself to a stop, Morgan shook his head. Get one settled down and the other goes crazy.

“Jeez, kid! Where’s the fire?!” Morgan didn’t look like a man who’d welcome any more drama. At least not in the presence of someone he was trying to de-stress. But when he saw Hotch’s expression of melded relief and disbelief, and the wary concern on Reid’s face, Morgan thought this might be just what the doctor ordered. He also realized the doctor in question would return soon to enforce his prescription for undisturbed rest. They needed to make good use of what little time they had left. Backing up a few steps, Morgan motioned Reid in. As the younger agent entered the room, Morgan took up a position in the doorway.

“Hotch? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Reid sat on the bed. Morgan shivered when he saw him unthinkingly, reflexively, automatically place his hand on Hotch’s chest. Exactly where that strange mark lay concealed by the thin fabric of the hospital gown.

“Reid…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“For what?”

Hotch blinked. Did no one understand the enormity of abandoning one’s job…one’s post…one’s friends?! “I left you guys. I don’t know why, but I drove away and left you. I wasn’t supposed to do that. I’m sorry.”

Reid studied his boss’ face and felt earnest regret and shame pouring off of him. It nearly broke his heart. “That’s not what happened. Not even close. Why would you think that?”

Hotch seemed to shrink a little. He only did that when he was really unsure of himself. It was a rare sight that made Morgan take a step closer, wishing he could banish whatever haunted this blameless man.

“I…I woke up in the woods. The car was there, but I couldn’t get to it. I must’ve been in an accident and got thrown out. I guess I got lost trying to find a way back.” His voice faded as he saw the look of pity Reid couldn’t hide…and the look of anger Morgan didn’t even try to cover up. Hotch looked form one to the other. “That’s not what happened?”

Reid was frowning at him now. “What’s the last thing you remember before you woke up injured?” Hotch was trying, but there just wasn’t anything to remember. Nothing. He did the best he could and dredged up his last clear recollection.

“I told you and Ana to be quiet. And there was something about a wolf that might have been funny?”

Reid searched his eyes. He’s asking…not sure if any of that actually happened. “That was days ago, Hotch. The next morning, Dr. Bescardi drugged you and took you away…abandoned you in the woods when you were hurt.” His boss’ eyes were widening, but with disbelief, not recall. “Hotch, you didn’t leave. You were taken.”

Evolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now