the bull i think about

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(from the other night i just forgot to publish it)

hi hello i'm really tired but i also took a nap kind of late so i'm not tired

i'm censoring everything with heck because i'm on a holy, pure, school laptop.


so this is basically just stuff that keeps me up at night or i just think about a lot or just stuff i think about

- jung hoseok is underrated. in fact, the entire hyung line is underrated for how much they do and how hard they work. they all deserve the same love and respect as the maknae line

- but at the same time, the maknae line is very cute. soft stan only bc smut is yuck to me nowadays idk it's just my opinion

- park hyun shik has beautiful eyes. he's an actor and he plays jidwi (fake name)/jinheung in hwarang. y'all have probably heard of that if you like bangtan bc taehyung is in it. if you haven't, that's ok too. but like the first time i saw him, his eyes looked so pREtty and sparkly like goddamn who is he

now for the other shit

- ian carter has a lovely smile and dimples. don't look him up if you don't want to.

- my mother's a bitch and an airhead, my bitchass father loves me more than she ever will-

- Huynh in viet is basically hyung in korean but a name instead of an honorific only, asians really know where it's at

- i need to go to school. these last two months have been painful.

- soccer's cool but i'm bad at it. maybe i should do volleyball but i'm bad at that too. i wanna do a sport but i can never bring myself to go outside and gET sTaRtED

- i have a nintendo ds from 2007 or earlier. i was 8 or smth when i got it so i don't remember what year. i may not have been eight idfk. anyway, i use that shit when i'm grounded to no end when i can't use my laptop. also, it's hot pink. suck it, nintendo switch owners who think that the now is the coolest like save it, this og shit is the best. i should've bought a gameboy to be even more og.

- i wish i had a console. i wish i had an xbox or a ps4. i wish i had a pc that was maybe a lil faster. i wish i had other games other than hecking pixel gun and sonic and mario and undertale, not saying that's bad but like i want the ogs like blackops and overwatch and those goods.

- i finished sonic colors. i didn't know what the heck else to do. then a good acquaintance of mine showed me this website that had links to all the vintage gameboy games on pc. i forgot the website kms.

- my mother put me in all regular classes except english. she thinks i'm a lot more stupid than i actually am because i got a few c's last year.

- i have terrible anxiety around new people. i can literally talk to a friendly stranger like they're someone i know already and around a new person i am quaking internally. it's terrifying.

- i don't understand why (some or most) non-asian people who like 'lots of asian stuff' only know ramen, mochi, and kimchi if you're lucky. maybe they know that vietnam exists. maybe they remember that malaysia exists too. maybe they even know what kimbap is.

- some army's are very odd/strange. perhaps someone made a video game/8-bit cover of fake love. ok cool. this random army's like 'oMG whATa QueEn tHIs Is AMaZING' like goshdarn chill

- i have been typing this for maybe an hour now. i have places to be tomorrow but i don't even know when i have to get up.

- my sister wears eyeliner to the waterpark. not sure why. her eyebrows are always on fleek tho.

- i wish i had my phone. that would be cool. i could actually do stuff other than listen to ian carter talk.

- i wish my wifi didn't shut off at midnight.

- i need a drink.

- i made something called 'unicorn milk.' milk, blue raspberry mix, and an ethnic creme. haters will say it's nasty.

- this is getting long.

- i need to see maybe a fRIend before i go insane. school is in a week and i have to finish 3 modules of virtual school in 5 days. challenge accepted.

- i'm so tired but whenever i get into bed i don't sleep until several hours later.

- pixel gun has great guns. when people ask me what i'm playing when i'm playing that, i tell them it's like fortnite but roblox and not battle royale. it's not very similar to fortnite or roblox. closest thing i've played to fortnite was TF2. not too close either. my favorite gun in pixel gun is automatic peacemaker. bit pricey but just wait until it's on sale.

- i wish i had friends. i have like 5 friends but i only talk to 2. lovely.

- my cat is really cute. her name is mimi and she's really sleepy and has big pupils.

- my writer's block is worse than anything. i have watched anything and everything to get inspiration. the best thing i got was deaf nature-y ian carter. not helpful.

- i should really work on Chained up. i wish i had my phone. i wish whenever i worked on my laptop, someone wouldn't stare at my screen. please leave me alone and give me some space.

- where is my watch. where are my rings. where is my blanket. why am i such a mess. i need a drink still.

- i hope my girl still loves me by the time that school starts. i think everyone's grown more distant to me because i'm so dead inside.

that's all i have for rn

i'm getting a drink i hope you have a nice day/night

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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