Real Life

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millie found elise sitting on a bench of the east side of the park, she ran over, shouting elise's name as she got closer

elise spun her head around, waving lightly at millie

"hey, what's up" millie asked, sitting down to the left of elise

"i just need to talk to someone about something" elise stated, fiddling with her hands

"hey, i'm always here for you" millie said with a smile

elise nodded, looking at millie

"mills, on tuesday i had a discovery"

millie looked at her with a concerned expression

"um, so like, i found out that i'm, im uh,
i'm gay"

"that's amazing! i'm so proud of you" millie responded, pulling her into a soft embracful hug

elise smiled, she knew millie would always accept her no matter what, but she wasn't sure how the next thing would go across

"and there's something else" elise stated, as millie released her

millie tilted her head and smiled at her, taking her hand in hers

"i like sadie"

"holy shit"


(1 hour later)

"ok so the plan is, i talk to sadie, asking what'd she do if someone she was close with came out as gay, we see what she says, i make sure she knows it's not me and that it's someone else" millie says to elise

"yeah, and i'll come out in the groupchat and on instagram tomorrow" elise says, looking at millie

millie nods, standing up and helping elise up

"thank you mills, you really are an incredible friend" elise says, pulling millie into a tight hug

mille smiled

"anything for you, love"


in the evening, millie was dedicated to help elise, and she secretly planned a sleepover so sadie and millie could get just a bit closer and "sing a little bit"

"ok so sades, question"

sadie looked up and nodded her head towards millie

"what would you do if someone you were close to came out as gay" millie asked, looking at her

"are you?" sadie asked, stopping the music playing from her phone

"no! no it's hypothetical" millie responded giving a laugh

"oh, well, even if it wasn't hypothetical i wouldn't have a problem with it, everyone is human no matter who they find attractive. and if someone i was close to was into the same gender it would never mean i would treat them any differently" sadie responded, taking a bite of her greek salad

millie nodded

"it's definitely not me, i promise you" millie responded, looking at sadie

sadie nodded at millie, "i know", then she restarted the music on the bluetooth speaker to continue their sleepover

there. is. no. saving. this. book.

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