14: Clued In

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Sen Shuai seems lost in thought when Sen Jia pulls him over to sit at the fire with him. Sen Jia specifically sat near the maiden as they gather around the campfire for the evening. 

This will be when the clue is revealed. 

The girl is working on her jewelry and Sen Jia begins making small talk with the father.

"Will sir and the maiden return home after dropping off the young man?" 

Sen Jia uses formal speech while speaking with the little family's father. The father is equally formal responding to Sen Jia.

"We plan to visit the market to sell jewelry before returning home."

"There is a crossroads after the cultivation sect, which way will sir be going?" Sen Jia inquired.

"The west market has the better market for our wares. Will the gentlemen be traveling west?"

"Regrettably, we have business in the east. It seems we will part ways at the crossroads tomorrow." Sen Jia pulls his face into a small frown to appear as though he feels it's too bad they can't travel on together.

The father considers a moment. "I have many friends in the eastern market, does the gentleman have business there? I would be happy to send you with a letter to my associates if it would be of any help."

"I appreciate the concern, but my business involves gathering information about my village that was recently destroyed." Sen Jia confided.

"Destroyed you say? Was it the village at the end of the southern mountain range?"

"The same." Sen Jia spoke gravely, nodding slowly.

"Terrible what happened there. I am grieved to hear it was your village. We passed through not but a day after the tragedy. We searched the area but sadly found no one remaining."

"Ah!" The maiden looked up, holding a bit of cloth she had been using to polish her finished jewelry. "Sir, if it's any use to you, I found this bit of cloth at the site. As you can see it has an intricate marking that may have meaning to you."

"May I have a look?" 

The girl respectfully hands over the cloth. Sen Jia sat back with it near Sen Shuai holding it up to the light to fully expose the design. After a moment of Sen Shuai paying absolutely no attention whatsoever, Sen Jia jabbed him in the side with his elbow.

Sen Shuai, who is startled out of his reverie, turns to Sen Jia with one eyebrow slightly raised.

Sen Jia waves the cloth in front of him. He finally notices it and feels some familiarity to the symbol.


Sen Jia narrows his eyes and huffs lightly at this lackluster response. But whatever the clue is discovered. Time to move on.

On their own at last~~~

"Finally, no more roughing it." Sen Jia leans languidly back onto a large, soft bed, sighing with great contentment. The room is the most lavish one available in the city.

He had ordered an assortment of snacks and dishes as well as several jugs of the best wine available. They settle into the room to enjoy a comfortable evening. Soon, Sen Jia was feeling sentimental and began babbling at Sen Shuai.

"Little Shuai my greatest wish is for you to be happy after I'm gone."

There is a loud sound of a cup crashing to the floor. In the time it takes Sen Jia to turn in surprise at the sound, Sen Shuai is already holding his shoulders.

"What do you mean gone?" 

An intense pressure fills the room making Sen Jia feel nervous all of a sudden.

"Well...when the main plot of the story is done...I usually leave..."

The pressure only intensifies.

Sen Shuai narrows his eyes. "What story?"

Sen Jia replies sheepishly,"... yours..."

"My murder mystery you mentioned before?"

"Yes, that's the one." Sen Jia nods encouragingly at Sen Shuai's correct guess.

"How can my story be happy if it ends with you leaving?"

Sen Jia's eyes widen."... little Shuai I want you to have a happy love story."

"I also want to have love."

"Good, we agree. So help me out. What do you like?"

Sen Shaui's heated gaze is locked on Sen Jia.

"Man or woman?" Sen Jia asks.

"Man. I've already met him."

"Oh already met huh? Good, good that will save time. How can I help? I'll definitely support you in catching him."

"Will you?"

"Yes absolutely."

"Forget not what you have promised." Sen Shuai moves closer to Sen Jia.

"Of course, I'll remem -"

The rest of what he was saying is swallowed as Sen Shuai claims his lips with impatient vigor. Pressing his lips firmly against Sen Jia's, the kiss feels desperate and inexperienced. The rawness of his imperfect kiss conveys his passion for Sen Jia perfectly. 

When he releases Sen Jia from his hold, Sen Jia blinks twice, opens and closes his mouth, finally collecting himself points and yells out.

"Me!? But I'm a fraud. I've totally been using you for free labor." Sen Jia is genuinely shocked and worried at Sen Shuai's lack of discernment in choosing a man.

Sen Shuai just chuckles. "I know." Is all he says as he pulls Sen Jia back for another kiss. 

This time it was sweeter, slower, more intimate. Perhaps because in this kiss both men are actively participating. Beginning with just nibbling at Jia's lower lip. Progressing to both men having slightly parted lips fitted together, eventually, the tips of their tongues testing, tasting, flicking against the other and on lips made slick with shared saliva.

Sen Jia couldn't believe his eyes. That block of wood had a sly smile and his eyes held a mischievous glint.  What pure innocent little Shuai, this is a wolf!

A/N They got the clue to progress the story and Sen Jia got clued in to Sen Shuai's interest.

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