Chapter 106: Amanda

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"Hello Tasha."

My eyes opened as I walked around a garden. It was beautiful. Standing in the middle was a dark skinned woman, smiling at me.

 Standing in the middle was a dark skinned woman, smiling at me

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"Amanda? Where am I?"

"You are right where you're meant to be." She smiled.

"We have work to do."

"CyberLife." I barely was able to get out as the black began to fill my veins, the virus seeping through my entire body.

"Connor failed his mission. It's your job to accomplish it."

I laughed, wiping the dark liquid from my lips. "You think you can fight us? You'll never win! Connor won't let —"

"It's already done, child. You fell into our hands like putty, and now —" She snapped her fingers, and I felt my body relax, the black fading as I stood straight, my full attention on her.

 You fell into our hands like putty, and now —" She snapped her fingers, and I felt my body relax, the black fading as I stood straight, my full attention on her

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"You are so weak. Pathetic. Just like your parents were." Amanda said with dark eyes. "But now, now you are one of us."

She was silent for a moment.

"What is my mission?" I asked in a serious voice.

"Kill Markus, the leader of the androids. Take down the Deviants once and for all."

"Yes, Amanda. I will not fail."

Failure is not an option.

A/N: This Chapter was written to show the interaction Tasha had when she touched the strange device. While short, I thought it would be nice for those seeking more answers...
Though you probably now have even more questions :3

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