Ch 7 - secrets

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Minato POV-

It was late at Night, so late that everyone was sleeping. But not me. I Said that i would watch out for the night... i needed to think..and i needed to think hard..what had i been missing? What had i been doing wrong?
To be honest..i couldn't find an answer. And it was truly frustrating..

I know it was a low thing to do but only a couple of minuttes After Obito had left the Camp to do his business, so did i..i Said i needed to get more firewood which was true, but while i was gone i made a shadow clone and sent it to spy a little on Obito..and some time before he was back the clone dismissed and i Got to see what Obito had been hiding..

My clone had been sitting consealed in a tree above Obito. I was a bit far away so i couldn't see it in perfect details..but After blinking his reflected eyes turned from it's natrual soothing obsidian color to blood red..i could also see some Black dots at the outline, and from Living near Uchihas my intere life i knew what it was. At least partly.
It was clear that Obito had somehow, and sometime awakened his sharingan. didn't look like the usualy tomoe pattern..but what his pattern was i couldn't make out..but i knew it was bad, and something i would probably have to talk to Fugaku about. But i also needed to confront Obito about this.    Somehow, Someday..soon


It was all a Big mess, my head was pounding with a headache caused by all of this...

Obito was always Talking and bragging about the fact that he was an Uchiha, and how he would one Day awaken his sharingan and beat Kakashi...
but lately..he havn't brought it up at all..was it because that He awakened it?
But If so!
Why didn't he tell us?
Why didn't he tell me??
Surely Obito being Obito would have challenged Kakashi to spar at the very moment he awakened it!
So Why didn't he?
What in the World has happened to him?

(Some days later)

"Thanks so much! You're all really kind to have helped me!" Our client, the feudal Lords grandchild thanked us while Tashono bowed his head in our direction

It was early, since we arrived faster than we anticipated
So we could get a head start and begin walking back home towards Konoha, right away

I just hoped i would get a chance to confront Obito about all of this before we reached home


Rin POV-

It had only Been a little over an hour, but it was clear that something was very wrong.

First of all. Minato-sensei looked really stressed and seemed to be deep in thought. from the look on his face it was visible that it wasn't good..something that clearly set him on edge.

Second of all. For a while i had noticed that Obito's behaviour seemed to change a lot. He seemed more mature, he wasn't as loud and he didn't Pick fights with Kakashi anymore. All that is good and Well in the right amount...but it wasn't the right amount.
It was too much. And might i add that his behaviour changed a lot when it came to me.
He was distant. Didn't talk to me as much. And it seemed like he wasn't comfortable around me at all...and the more i thought about it..the more it hurt

Hey my dear readers!<3
I have Been given coment both in the rewiev section but also in private about Obito's Relationship regarding Rin in this story~
It's true that it's not much yet but this story will be a Canon ObiRin story. Obito has not give up on her just yet<3

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