5. pathetic mortal

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When y/n first saw Loki from across the room, sipping tea and reading Shakespeare on what seemed to be his favorite love seat, she was curious in the best way and her heart started to skip a beat that she stopped walking altogether just to look at him. She didn't even realize it until Tony said "Is everything okay?" That's when her trance was broken. It was her first day as an intern. Mister Stark assigned her to work here in Avengers compound "I...ummm... yeah! I'm fine. Everything's great!" Y/n quickly pulled herself together in a high pitch voice. It must have been louder than necessary that it drew the man-from-across-the-room's attention from his book and to her. Once Loki gazed up and met her eyes, y/n immediately looked the other way. She felt her cheeks heating up, her heart pounding so hard it could have ripped itself out of her chest. Tony looked a bit confused, at what was going on for a few seconds, as he switched his glance from y/n to Loki, and to y/n, and back to Loki, but soon decided he'd shrug it off "Anyway. Hey, mister Mischief, y/n. She's an intern. Don't stab her, alright? Y/n, Loki. But you probably already heard of him" Iron Man introduced "H-hi" Y/n waved at Loki with what she hoped was a natural smile. Fuck. She felt as if she was a schoolgirl crushing on a hot boy "Pathetic mortal" Loki mumbled as a greeting, rolling his eyes in the process before returning his focus to what was reading.

It's only been a week since Thor brought him back to earth - with Bruce, Heimdall, Valkyrie, Korg and Asgardians refugees - and guaranteed that his brother had changed for the better and is now a good man. So Tony agreed to let him stay.

Loki may have changed - less homicidal thought - but his sassy attitude still the same. Of course, y/n heard about him. No one could forget the New York massacre years ago. It's just so happened that y/n always had a thing for bad guys and wow, Loki looked even more handsome in person. On the inside, she was fangirling so hard over the fact the God of Mischief himself acknowledged her existence.

He called me pathetic mortal!!!!, the internal squeal was fast to follow before she followed Stark out the room with the best fake stern face she could put on.


Loki seemed like the most fascinating person ever, at least, in y/n's eyes. He was mysterious, dark, dangerous and at the same time, he got the smile that could light up the entire world. That is, if only he smiled more. Every time the Avengers weren't looking, y/n was always so lost in her own fantasy just secretly staring at the prince of Asgard, utterly mesmerized by the most stunning art God ever created. Oh wait, he was the God himself.

Seated on his favorite love-seat by the window as usual, Loki heard small footsteps approaching and that's when he lowered his book down. His brows furrowed just a little before he turned his head to the side. There she was. The little pathetic mortal. He remembered Tony introducing her as his intern a couple days ago, ever since, he always saw her around serving coffee to Steve, cleaning Bucky's room, taking trash outside the compound for Sam. Basically everything and anything the team asked. But he never really paid attention to her. Just another pathetic mortal in this pathetic planet he was trapped in. Loki was a bit confused though. He was sure he didn't call for her service. Why was she coming to him? 

It took everything for y/n to work up the courage to walk up to him and start a conversation "H-hi" She said, nervously fidgeting her thumbs, hoping he wouldn't hear how loud her heart was hammering in her chest "Hello" said Loki, now his full attention was on her.

"Macbeth?" She sat down next to him, silently praying he wouldn't chase her away. Her heart beat even faster when his smile got wider. It wasn't his evil smile. It was simply... sincere "So you know Shakespear" Loki seemed impressed it made y/n so proud and glad she spent the entire night studying about it for him since she noticed he seemed to like them "I'm-"

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