Chapter one

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Thats What grace looks like

I'm not that good at editing so im really sorry.

Grace Owens:

My day started like all other days in my life

I got up at 6:30 am to get ready for my day.

I brushed my hair and teeth and then i ran to my dresser and picked a outfit.

I had a black tank-top, shorts and a jacket on.

I walked in the bathroom to get out of my pj's

------------20 minutes later-----------

Im now ready to go to school. I ran to school because the school bus doesn't go where i live.

"Hey grace. Was your mom and dad home" my best friend Brooklyn Asked me

"No they left last night and didn't come back intill 3:00 in the morning" i replied to Brooklyn with a annoyed look on my face.

I didn't like my mom and dad that much and they didn't really like me too.

My mom and dad left last night to go to a bar with there friends its like thats all they did was yell at me when i didn't clean the house. It was vary annoying.

I have bin takingcare of myself since i was 6 or 7 years old. All thay do is yell at me make me clean because they are to lazy and if i did something wrong they wood hit me.

I was just siting in the hallway in school. Thinking adout all that.

"Hello grace talk to me say something" Brook said as she waved her hand in my face

And then i'm back in the real world. "Uhh oh what happen" i really had no idea i was thinking for so long.

"Well you sat down on the way to class and closed you eyes" the first thing i had in mind was that i was soooo late. I wood always be in class on time but with all thats going on i didn't want to even come to school today.

Brooklyn Banks:

We walked to class but a few feet away from the class grace had just stoped and sat down.

I didn't know what was going on.

She was coming to school with make-up on and a lot of it i knew she was hiding something but i  don't know what

I waved my hand by her face to stop her from what she was doing

Once she talked to me i had got up she did too

As soon as she stoped talking i got her hand and run to the bathroom.

"Ok you need to tell me whats going on a) you have a lot of make-up on and it looks like your hiding something b) your not being yourself so please tell me" i said to her

She sighed

And told me about her mom and dad of what they do to her

I was not happy at all

Grace owens:

It is hard to tell people about my mom and dad

I saw the anger in brooks eyes

I started crying and i gave her a hug.

I skipped school that day i just didn't want to stay there.

I fall asleep almost as soon as i got on my bed.

--------its Saturday-------

I woke up an hour ago but didn't want to get out of bed.

As soon as my mom woke up my live was a living hell again.

My mom had me walk to the store to get her some potato's. I don't know why but i have to get them.

I saw Brooklyn at the store and walked up to her.

"Hey Brook what are you doing" i asked her not knowing what was going on.

"Oh hey grace. Im just geting milk for coffee" she replied.

"Oh on well i have to go bye"
I said as i started to walk away

"Ok bye" she said vary happily.

I ran home and handed my mom her potato's.

"Hey mom why
Did you need those" i asked her

"Well your going to make me potato's and eggs" she replied and walked away.

Brooklyn banks:

-------back at the store-------

When i saw grace walking to me i wasn't myself. I was acting happy but i really wasn't. I want to get grace out of the house.

It doesn't look like she can take it anymore.

She's bin looking like she wants to end life for her. I don't think about that much because when i do i get little tears in my eyes.

Grace Owens:

Im in my bed reading a book when i wear a big crash. Im not sure what it was.

I ran out of my room to see that my mom was on the floor.

"Mom whats going on?" i ask with a scared look on my face "oh im fine i just fell" she answers me "ok well i have to go do homework now" i say as i walk to my room "ok bye" she replies.

I don't like my mom and dad but my moms not as mean as my dad.

---------an hour later---------

I see headlights. I look outside and see my dad going in the driveway.

"Mom dads home" i yelled from my bedroom door "ok" she replied.

Hope you guys liked this. I haven't bin so busy lately so i can update a little more.

Thanks for reading <3

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