Date with Patrick part 1

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Reader's P.O.V.

It was the night of my dinner date with Patrick as I was confident that things were finally going to come through for me. I got ready for my date and walked down to the restaurant him and I were going to meet at only to find that he wasn't there. I felt my phone start to ring as I digged it out of my jacket pocket and answered it. It was Patrick. He said he was going to be late to our dinner and it will be about and hour before he gets there. "Hello?" "Hey, (y/n). I am so sorry. I'm going to be a little late tonight for dinner." Patrick said letting me know he's going to be late for dinner tonight. "Oh." I said feeling a bit down. "I know it sounds bad but trust me, when I explain myself, you're going to love what you hear." "Okay." I said to him. "So, it'll probably be another hour and I'll come pick you up." "Actually, I'm already here, so I can just meet you." I said to him. "Okay. Yeah. That sounds good. And (y/n)." "Yeah?" "I'm sorry." He said. "I'd much rather be there with you right now." "I'll see you soon." "Okay." I hung up. Really? An hour. He expects me to sit there outside in the cold in a coat and a dress for an hour? Things never really change do they.

Just then Chris came walking by. "You again." I said smiling at him. "Small towns." He said. "No place to hide." I said in agreement smiling. "Not in that dress." He said looking at me seeming amazed by how beautiful I look tonight. "Um, I'm having dinner." I told him. "With someone very lucky." Chris told me. "Where are you off to? I ask him trying to change the subject since I see he likes me but also is a bit jealous of me and Patrick getting back together or so I thought that we would be. "A place down the street. Lucy's, for and I quote 'mind blowing lime gelato.'" "My roommate's recommendation?" I ask him smiling. "Who else?" He said. "It's too bad you had dinner plans. I'd ask you to join me." He said making a tempting offer. "Actually, I just got a phone call. I have an our to kill." I told him since I didn't want to wait outside in the cold and I do owe him a date. Oh boy am I now trying to date two guys at once? Help me. "I guess I could do my dessert first." "You might have to order for me. I'm not sure they'll even see me standing next to you." He said jokingly. "Somehow, I think they'll notice you." I said. He chuckled and said. "Come on." As he put his arm around me and walked down the street with me.

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