Chapter 16

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Opening his eyes straight open, Chun immediately looked straight at his palm than to his master than back to his palm that was glowing blue from the floating ice of many sizes that floated above it.

With a belly full of excitement that he couldn't contain it himself, he yelled out with a cheery tone, "Master I did it!! I did it!!!"

"Yes, you did" Ming smiled with relief, thankful that Chun finally mastered his ability.

"Squeak" Xinyi victory jumped in the air causing Ming and Chun to break out in laughter.

Before they could have a moment with each other a beast roar interrupted the moment which was then accompany by a loud thud a second later.

Immediately Ming, Chun and Xinyi swung their head to face the direction of the cry with lightening speed



Only then did they spotted the fox on the floor howling in pain, not only that they also noticed it was laying on a wet substance that appeared beneath it, continuing to spread into a puddle.

Confused at first did second later it finally clicked to the three of them, all looked at one another with the same thought in mind, it's water broke!!!

'Out of all time, now!!' the three simultaneously thought to them though Chun kinda exclaimed his thoughts aloud causing Ming and Xinyi to face palm.

Once they realised what was going on the tiger immediately went to pounced on the Fox, eager to finish it's prey there and now.

Seeing this Ming hurriedly shouted,"Xinyi now!!"

"Squeak!!!" Immediately Xinyi took of hurling to the tiger, as he flew he compressed an ice shard and aimed it at the tiger, successfully wounding it on the stomach.

The tiger who got surprisingly attack went and dodged to the side, it gazed at the wound and then at the culprit who caused it, growling and baring its teeth.

Not scared at all Xinyi faced the tiger and went into battle, throwing ices shard here and there while the tiger dogged and swing to retaliate back to his opponent. Knowing close range combat won't work, the tiger opened its mouth as a fireball was beginning to form, instantly it shot out, aiming at the blue furball.

Dodging and dodging Xinyi felt like he was playing a game of tag. Moving and flying from here and there he was having so much fun it triggered the tiger to roar in rage.

"Squeak" Xinyi poked his tongue out furthering angering the beast even more.

While the two beast fight, Ming faced Chun and began explaining his role. Chun soon started to feel nervous, what happens if he stuffs up, could he even accomplish it, what if the ability could only last a second, he couldn't help but form doubts in his mind.

Seeing Chun wavering emotions Ming could already tell what the boy was feeling, placing his free hand onto the boy's face, he encouraging spoke,"Chun believe in yourself, I believe in you" Ming smiled gently.

Hearing this Chun couldn't help but shed some tears that gathered in his eyes but he immediately wiped them away not letting them fall.

'Master believes in me' he happily told himself.

"Thank you, master, I won't disappoint you!!!" giving out a big toothy grin as he thumbs-up, Chun then rushed off to help out Xinyi.

'En, I know you won't ' Ming muttered before turning his gaze to the fox.

As the tiger was about to lunge at Xinyi, he was about to form an ice wall to counter-attack it when suddenly, "Ice Shard, " a pointy ice shard passed behind him aiming towards the tiger which successfully grazed it by the face.

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