Chapter 18

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The next morning, Scourge climbed out of his nest, nearly tripping and falling on his face.

Walking out of the den, he realized that Shadowpaw was out, and for the first time, alone.

Scourge sighed and walked over to the tom, feeling a little guilty.

"Hey, Shadow-"

"My name isn't Shadow." Scourge couldn't help but notice that as the tom said it, even though he knew the tone Shadowpaw was using was supposed to be angry, the tom just couldn't seem to pull it off.

"You seem happy," Scourge observed.

Shadowpaw shrugged.

"What's the reason?"

"None of your business."

"You really shouldn't try so hard to act mean," Scourge mewed, licking a paw and drawing it lazily over his ear. "You're failing horribly."

"Who are you to say that?"

"According to you, your brother." Scourge mewed. "And about yesterday..."

Shadowpaw licked his shoulder, listening.

"I'm sorry." The words feel foreign on his tongue.

"About...?" Shadowpaw prompted.

Gee, why won't he let it be?

Scourge took a deep breath. "About getting so upset yesterday."


Scourge narrowed his eyes. "That's the most you're gonna get out of me, Shadowpaw. Take it or leave it."

Shadowpaw nodded. "Cool."

"That's it?"

"I'm in a good mood, don't ruin it."

"Oh, are you, now?" Scourge raised an eyebrow, smirking. "May I ask why?"

"No, you may not." Shadowpaw mewed.

Scourge let out a purr. "I think I know why," he said in a sing-song voice.

"Please don't." Shadowpaw muttered.

"It's because you love her."

"Shut up, already." Shadowpaw growled.

Scourge laughed. "Alright, fine."

"Scourge, stop tormenting him." Snowfall scolded teasingly.

"Aw, come on!" Scourge purred. "I haven't had this much fun in years!"

Snowfall purred and rubbed up against him. "Come on," she murmured. "You're coming with me today."

"Oh, yeah?" Scourge mewed, his ears pricking in surprise.

"Yeah. Patrolling." Snowfall nuzzled him gently.

Scourge sighed in relief. "Thank you." He breathed. "I was getting bored of collecting moss all day."

"I thought so."

Shadowpaw frowned. "So are me and Tawnypaw going to finally start battle training?"

"Come to think of it, I did hear Darkfur say something about talking you two out to learn a few things..."

"Yes!" Shadowpaw's eyes shone in excitement. "I'm going to tell Tawnypaw! She's gonna be so excited!"

Scourge watched the tom turn tail and run into the den.

Scourge turned to look at Snowfall. "Did Darkfur really say that?"

"Would I ever lie?" She asked.

Scourge shrugged.

"The answer is no."

"Good to know." Scourge mewed. "So when are we going?"


"Oh. Can I eat first?"

Snowfall laughed. "Yes, Scourge. You can eat first."

Scourge nodded and made his way over to the fresh-kill pile, grabbing a mouse and quickly devouring it.

Snowfall shook her head, clicking her tongue. "If you keep on eating that fast, you're gonna get a tummy ache."

"Well, my tummy feels fine right now."

"If you say so.." She murmured, leading him to a group of cats.

"He's coming with," she meowed.

A black and gray tom's lips peeled back in the beginnings of a snarl. "Who said?"

"Me." Snowfall growled back at him.

The tom snorted. "The more you mess around him the more bossy and mouse brained you get, Snowfall. Why don't you hang around me anymore? I could treat you right."

Snowfall rolled her emerald green eyes. "Because, Blackear, I don't like you. Now let's go before I give in to the urge to shred your ears."

Scourge's jaw dropped in surprise. He never heard Snowfall say something so violent before. When he was around her, Snowfall was gentle and loving.

Snowfall glanced over at Scourge. "What?"

"Nothing. Are we going or no?"

Blackear grunted and walked out of camp, the rest of the patrol following.

Scourge could feel his claws sink into the soft ground, his teeth gritting as he followed him out into the forest.

"Don't worry about him," Snowfall murmured to Scourge.

"I can't help but worry," he muttered, looking over the tom, he couldn't help but notice how muscular he looked, how much taller he was, and how he carried himself as if he was StarClan's gift to the world. "He's perfect and I'm just... Me."

Snowfall rolled her eyes. "Yes, you're you. That's why I love you, idiot."

"I'm just going to ignore the fact that you called me an idiot."

"And he's not perfect."

"At least he's taller than you," Scourge pointed out.

"Height doesn't matter," she purred, pressing her muzzle to his cheek. "You're just being silly now."

Scourge smiled at her, careful not to show his teeth.

He knew that the larger than normal canines would either scare her or make her uncomfortable.

Snowfall flicked her tail and ran past. "Now let's catch up before they leave us in the dust!"

Scourge purred and followed her.

He felt like he could spend forever with her.

He just hoped she felt the same way.

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