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"Hey sis, you ready to go meet Justin's new friends?" Dk looks at me. I throw on some lipgloss and look at him in the mirror.
"Now I am." I grab my wallet, phone and keys and head for the door. We head to my Range Rover and head to Justin's house.

"Nice outfit." Justin said to me and I look down  at myself.

"Thanks, Justin

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"Thanks, Justin." I smile and give him a hug. Justin and I have been best friends since Dk and him have met. He's like a brother to me.
"Mikey and Jake are landing in 30 minutes so we should head now to pick them up." Justin informed us.
"I did not sign up for this." I glared at Dk.
"Oh come on, y/n. This is quality bonding time with us since you're in collage now." I am a freshmen in collage and I decided to spend the summer with Dk until school starts back up.
"Ugh, fine. But I want in-and-out." I groan.
"Deal." Dk laughs.
"Okay let's go!" Justin grabs both of our arms and forces us out the door. I laugh and we all quickly walk to the parking garage of 1600 vine. We all hop into my car and Justin sits in the back as Dk sits in the passenger seat. Justin gives me directions to the airport and I do what he says.

"We're here. I'll go in and get them, Dk can you come and help me get their bags?" Justin asks.
"No problem man, y/n you'll be okay by yourself right?" Dk asks.
"Yea, don't worry about me guys, go get them." I smile and wave them off and they both get out and quickly head off to the gate that the guys were at.
I turn the ac up a little and plug my phone in to charge. As I was doing so, my best friend, Taylor calls me.
( bold is Taylor and italic is you)
Hey girl! How's LA?
Hey, tay! And it's going good. Dk, Justin and I have been hanging out for the past week but I'm at the airport picking up their friends.
Are they cute?!
I don't know! It doesn't even matter
Shut up *laughs*
*laughs* girl I bet they are! Shoot your shot okay?
Fine maybe
LOVE YOU!! Have funnnn!
Yeah yeah I love you too. Talk to you later,
Bye ugly

I see Dk and Justin come with a couple suitcases and signal to pop open the trunk. I open the trunk and check Instagram until I hear the doors open.
"Y/n, this is Mikey, and Jake. Guys, this is my sister, y/n." Dk says and everyone puts on their seatbelts.
"He-." One of them said and I looked in the rear view mirror and my eyes opened. I see two incredibly handsome men look at me wide-eyed as well. "Hey, I'm mikey." One of them with curly brown hair said.
"I'm jake." The other one looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes. Y/n keep your shit together.
"Hi, um, nice to meet you. I give them a quick smile and quickly look away to start the car. Dk looks at me and them Mikey and Jake and back at me. I ignore him and continue what I'm doing.
"You guys hungry?" I ask.
Hey guys! Welcome to my second book! I hope y'all enjoy

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