Chapter Eight

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Katniss POV- (On the phone with Peeta)


"What do you want, Peeta?" I ask him.

"I want my best friend to get her butt out of her bed and come talk to me." He says, sounding equally as irritated with me as I am him and the world.

One thing I can't shake is that he just called me his 'best friend.'

I can't help but to smile at that.

"I'm sorry, Peeta. I just don't feel like leaving the house." I say truthfully.

"Katniss, if you don't remember I was rejected by your friends too." He reminds me.

"I know that."

He groans, "Then lets make our own plans with each other and have way more fun than we could have with them."

"No, I'm not leaving my house." I say.

"I am outside right now but I will just come in and kidnap you since you refuse." He says.

"No, you won't because all the doors are locked and Prim and my mother are not here so have fun getting in." I lie.

He chuckles and there's a comfortable silence between us as I smile, glad I thought one step ahead of him.

"Oh, this is an adorable photo of you as a child, Katniss. Aw, and you had two missing teeth here. How cute." Peeta says, chuckling.

" can you see that picture?" I ask him slowly.

"Oh, I am in your living room right now. Prim just let me in."

I gasp, "Prim!" I scream loud enough for them both to hear me.

I hang up and quickly bury myself under my comforter to hide and wish I had a lock on my bedroom door.

That's when I hear quick foot steps coming up the stairs and someone, who I am assuming is Peeta, burst into my room and sits down on my bed.

I stay as still and quiet as I possibly can hoping he doesn't realize I am here and will leave. But I have a feeling he knows where I am because after a few seconds of sitting, he leans back and lays down, crushing my tiny figure with his much larger one until I have to gasp for air.

"Peeta, get off! I am not leaving so just go." I say, gasping for air.

Peeta jumps up, he and Prim rip the covers off of me.

He reaches down and scoops me into his arms, throwing me over his shoulder like the bags of flour from last night.

"Prim!" I scowl at her as she giggles.

"Just go with him, Katniss!"

Peeta grabs my phone off my desk and my shoes from beside my bed and heads out the door with me.

I begin kicking and screaming for him to let me go but his grip on me tightens.

"Peeta! Stop." I groan, fighting to get down.

He ignores me and after we get down stairs, I know I am not going anywhere so I may as well just let it be and I stop struggling.

"Prim, I'm telling Mom that you let a stranger into our house and then let him kidnap me."

"That's okay, Katniss. She won't believe you." Prim says, sticking her tongue out at me.

Peeta takes me out the front door, manages to open the car door and put me in.

He's even nice enough to buckle me up.

"You better make this the best kidnapping in history, all right?" I say, hiding a smirk.

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