half / 25

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It had been almost twenty-seven hours of pure happiness.

Five hours of worries.

And nine hours of doubt.

The time was ticking, the music box on my nightstand was playing.

My weekend had consisted of pure happiness. However, once the weekday started, that happiness turned into a wire of emotions. It had been almost two days since Khloe contacted me.

Her last words were 'I'll miss you again.'

Her last message was 'I love you.'

I didn't see her at school. Quinn wasn't aware that Khloe wasn't there. All she knew was, her sister headed for school in the morning. Yet she wasn't there the whole day.

Her absence did things to me.

It made me worried. It made me confuse- so insecure.

Everything was fine when we went home after our first. We were happy- so happy. The bliss was indescribable. We were like waves of the ocean-so lively and nothing could match against our current.


There were multiple unanswered calls.

A series of unfortunate messages.

And several voicemails that being ignored.

I couldn't even reach her through our walkie-talkie.

Did I do something wrong? Was I not good?


Did something happen to her? Was she sick?

Ughhh.... I needed answers. Why couldn't she just answer my calls and talk to me? Why couldn't she just straightaway tell me that I wasn't good in bed?

I would accept all of her criticism as long as I get to know her well-being. Not like this!

Khloe was making me so crazy!

Groaning so loud, I stood up from my bed then grabbed my phone and car keys with me. I rushed downstairs, informing my parents that I would just be out for a while. I wasn't able to hear their response because I was already out of the house so fast.

Once I finally got inside my Jaguar, I ignited the machine and it roared to life. I fixed my phone in the holder and dialed Quinn.


"Quinn? Is Khloe home?" I asked promptly as I waited for the automatic gate to open up completely.

"Ummmm, wait? She's here but I don't know where exactly she is. Maybe in her room. I-I don't know," Quinn blabbered. "Why? What's wrong?"

"She's not answering my calls and messages," I said, acting like a child telling on her mother.

"What? Wait! I'll check on her," Quinn said, hearing her moved on the other line then her footsteps followed. I waited patiently, our gate was already wide open then I heard a door was slammed open.

"Ummm, she's not here. She's not in her room," Quinn revealed, her tone was perplexed. "Maybe she's in the kitchen. Wait, I'll-"

"It's fine, Quinn. I'll just drive there," I interrupted and changed my gear. I looked at the time on my phone and it was already past nine in the evening. Where could she be at this time? At the treehouse?

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