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Harry Styles

"All I'm saying is that she's hot alright." Louis says while I push the shopping cart down the aisle, Briar sitting in the children's shopping cart seat facing me.

"Amelia would never let you two happen and you know that." I chuckle while scanning the aisles.

"I'm not saying I'm interested in her. What was her name again?" He asks with his sunglasses still on. Man he really does look like a douche with those on inside.

Oh, but I'm wearing mine too.

"Audrey." I say, making him nod.

"Right, Audrey." The smirk spreads up his face.

"Get the smirk off your face." I say while grabbing an item off the shelf and tossing it in the cart. Briar places her tiny hands on top of mine as I push the cart, looking up at me with that toothless smile.

"I'm not smirking." He smirks again.

"Lou she hates Malignant." I state in a lower voice.

"She can join the club." He shrugs like it's nothing.

"Her mother was killed by the gang. Amelia doesn't want her to know about you or I or anything we have involving Malignant." I say in a whisper while pushing the cart down the way.

"Can you stop throwing the M word around." He scuffles as I keep repeating Malignant in public.

"Fine." I grab a pack of marshmallows of the shelf. "We'll say marshmallow." I state, making him chuckle and turn around to keep walking down the grocery aisle.

"Well, she doesn't need to know anything about marshmallow in order for me to just.. have a little fun." He looks over his shoulder at me and smirks with the shades covering his eyes.

"Amelia would hate you, and if she hates you then that means I got to hate you. And frankly Louis, I don't really want to hate you." I say while scanning the shelves.

"Who I fuck around with doesn't involve her." He shrugs while grabbing some small bag off the shelf to read before tossing it back.

"She will be upset dick." I refer to Amelia.

"And why do you care?" He states.

"Hmm I don't know maybe because I kinda have a thing for her yah know?" I chuckle sarcastically.

"Okay fine, I won't go near Audrey." He gives in, shaking his head in annoyance.

"You can have free range of anyone else. Just not Amelia's closest friend from school." I say.

"Roger that." Even with sunglasses I knew he was rolling his eyes, his uninterested tone of voice was evidence enough.

I continue to grab stuff on the aisles we needed, Briar looking around with her big green eyes in a curious manor. She'd play with my fingers that were pushing the cart, getting distracted by the large red ring on my middle fingers and twisting it.

"So, speaking of marshmallow." Louis hops on the opposite end of the shopping cart like a child, holding onto the sides and having me roll him down the grocery store. "When are you going to actually come out with us to get revenge on Salvation?" He asks.

"You know I don't do that stuff anymore, especially not now." I huff, knowing he knows this and I'm tired of repeating it.

"So are you going to stay hidden in that cabin changing diapers for the rest of eternity?" He asks annoyingly.

"Louis I'm not hiding, I'm protecting Briar and Amelia. I can't do that if I get shot out in the field by Salvation." I state for what feels like the millionth time that I've told him this over the seven months.

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