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Third Person POV: (I've been writing in this POV for a while and it's hard to switch back to 1st person. Welp, sorry. XD Also, be prepared for INHUMAN amounts of gore. Ha. That's a pun. You'll see what I mean at the end)

    Ashlie needed to relax. She took a deep breath in through her nose, slowly inhaling the sweet-smelling post-storm air, trying to make herself calm down. Her hands were furiously tearing at the grass she sat on, pulling out clump after clump of the wet, green earth. She was still reeling from the events of the previous two hours, which had only seemed like minutes ago to her. She could still see Nick and Tommy in her head; dying and in pain, writhing in pools of their own blood. Ashlie shook her head. They're fine. Stop making yourself paranoid.

    When she finally ran out of plants to kill within reach, she stood up and began patrolling the perimeter of the house. Really, it was just glorified pacing. She seriously needed a way to get all of her pent-up energy and nerves out. It was her self-appointed job as a lookout for anything that might be a threat to the four unconscious boys inside the house. Nick and Tommy were still out, even though their wounds had been completely healed by Jon, (She'd checked. Multiple times) who was also still asleep after the ordeal. Uni was exhausted from the multiple shifts that he'd gone through in such a short period of time, and he needed his rest too. But Ashlie was still--quite literally-- buzzing with energy.

    She felt time slow as she unintentionally began to run around at lightning speed, her feet tearing up the grass as they moved wickedly fast across the ground. It took her only a split second to run from one side of the house to the other, back and forth, back and forth. She had to physically prevent her body from going up to check on her friends, and nearly succeeded.... for about two minutes, before her protectiveness took over and she went up, slowing down as she reached the stairs, which she wasn't sure would hold the weight of her body if she was going at full speed. She reached the top of the stairs, made sure that they were all still breathing, took a deep breath of relief, and turned back, going outside and continuing her patrol of the area.

    It was only a short time later when Ashlie felt a sinking, churning feeling in her gut, and it wasn't because of the boys, who were all still sleeping peacefully. Ashlie slowed to a stop, her ears trained for any sound in the surrounding forest, and froze when her vision suddenly doubled, allowing her to see everything in the general vicinity. She jumped in surprise— she hadn't been able to use this part of her ability since she'd first met Nick, but this was definitely going to be useful in this situation, so she didn't complain. Focusing her energy-sight, she peered through the trees in every direction, and paused when she caught something moving in the shadows. Something big, from look of it. It thumped through the bushes, breaking branches and trees as it ran. Ashlie looked a little closer, and nearly vomited, shocking her out of the energy-sight. This isn't possible, She thought. There has to be a logical reason for this.

She stumbled, trying to regain her bearings, and fell onto her hands and knees in the grass. The ground was trembling now. The house was shaking and creaking, and she looked up at it in a tense moment of fear, but when it held strong, she turned back to the direction that the creature had been coming from. An awful, reeking stench was now very noticeable in the air.

She could see it moving now, without her enhanced sight. It moved in a giant, seething mass, breaking everything in its path, and it got closer every second. Ashlie shook as energy enveloped her body, preparing her for the inevitable fight ahead. It didn't matter if this wasn't real or if it was actually coming to kill her. She needed to protect her friends. She raised her fists and got into a fighting stance, her heart thudding in her chest.

That was when the first of the monsters crashed out of the trees. They were horrid, zombified versions of animals. Creatures of all different sizes, shapes, and species were running at her, dripping with rot and gooey remains as their bony bodies shuddered under the force of their own primal anger. The stench of decay seemed to be the vanguard of their army, as it hit Ashlie square in the face with almost the same force as a punch, and she coughed, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

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