Chapter 52

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I lied down and closed my eyes. I felt the need to relax and relief some stress.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes back up. I just stared at the sky, watching the clouds move.

I stared at the sky for what seemed like an hour, when they seemed to stop suddenly. Everything around me just felt still, no movement anywhere.

"What the hell?" I sat up and looked around as if that would give me an answer.

I then heard a loud scream come from inside the school. I sounded like a guy's voice screaming like a girl.

I jumped up and started running down the stairs and down the hall. I seen a figure, and as I ran closer, it started looking familiar.

"What did I do?!" He yelled at himself.

"Are you okay?"

The guy turned around screaming from being startled. I realized it was Toru.



"How are you moving?"

I shrugged. "What happened."

"I was upset at something and said 'I wish everything would just stop!' And then everything froze, well everything except you."



"You froze time."

"Okay? But that doesn't explain how you're able to move."

"You have a point."

I suddenly had a weird feeling that started to make me sick. I put my arms around my stomach and just looked down at the floor.

"Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "I don't feel right."

"Well sit down, that might help."

"I don't know."

"Kami, just because we haven't talked in a few months doesn't mean I don't care about you."

I said nothing. The sickening feeling grew stronger and I started feeling weaker. I had no choice but to sit down.

It was weird because I felt sick, but I didn't feel like I was going to throw up, I honestly don't know how to describe this feeling.


I tried to speak but nothing came out.

Fuck it I'm trying. I know it's that meteor shower that caused this, but it can't stop me from trying other abilities.

I extended my hand, trying to resume time, but it wasn't working.

I started to hear running and groaning growing closer. I looked up and seen Sera running down the hall.


"Kami?" She was shocked.

"You feel sick too?"

"Yeah, but I don't know why?"

"You realize time is stopped."

"I know this."

"But do you know why?"

I pointed to Toru. "He did it."

"Wait, so do you know what-!" She stopped and groaned. "What caused the change in abilities?"

"The meteor shower last night."

"How can something like that cause this."

"I don't know-!" I the groaned in pain. "But that's why."

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