February 15th, (P2)

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George and I followed slowly behind John and Paul. We were so going back to mine and Paul's house.

I was walking with my arms around George's waist and we weren't saying much. Neither were Paul and John for all I could hear.

"Are you okay?" I asked George, a bit worried.

"I have a killer headache," he groaned, placing his hand on his forehead.

"You might have a concussion," I mentioned, holding George closer to me.

"Just my luck," George mumbled.


We all walked into the house and Paul suddenly turned around to George.

"I'm really sorry mate, I hope you'll forgive me," Paul looked truthfully sorry.

"It's okay Paul," George gave a weak grin, his headache was truely killing him.

"I'm going to take George upstairs," I interrupted the conversation a bit.

John and Paul nodded as they went into the living room. I walked George upstairs and had him lay down in my father's room.

"I'm going to get an ice pack and some tea for you," I said quietly, "I'll be back in a few Georgie."

I quickly pranced down the stairs to make a cup of tea and get the ice pack for George.

I was suddenly stopped by John in the kitchen, raiding the refrigerator.

"Is it okay if I take this?" He said holding something up.

"Go ahead," I laughed.

John came over to me at the stove, "Paul is starting to come 'round. I think he likes you two together. But he's just being a big brother, y'know."

I nodded.

"He didn't have to go and hurt George though," I muttered.

"Is he really that hurt?" John asked.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure he has a concussion," I said looking up to John.

John didn't know what else to say as I poured the cups of tea. I gave two to John for him and Paul and I poured two more for George and I.

I brought the teas back upstairs along with the ice pack and entered the bedroom. George looked up at me sleepily. I looked at him with empathy, I felt really bad for him.

I handed him a cup of tea and he took a few sips before handing it back to me.

"Thanks Diana," he said quietly.

"Lift up your head," George did what I said and I carefully placed the ice pack under the huge bump on the back of his head.

I kneeled down on the side of the bed. I was running my fingers through his hair gently.

"Do you feel any better Georgie?" I said quietly.

"Yeah, especially now," he said looking up at me.

I kept running my fingers through his hair and his eyes began to flutter closed. I gave him a soft kiss and a small smile grew on his face. George then fell asleep quickly.

I slowly got up from the floor and left the room as quietly as I could. I closed the door behind me gently, hoping not to wake George.

I walked back downstairs with my tea and joined Paul and John in the living room. I sat next to John on the couch as Paul was in a chair across the room.

"Is George okay?" Paul asked eagerly.

"Yeah, he's fine. He only has a concussion," I said with a rude tone.

"I didn't try to-" Paul started to say.

"You didn't have to at all," I said angrily.

"You didn't have to keep this all a secret from me," Paul said in the same tone.

I stopped for a moment.

"You would've done the same exact thing and get furious at George..."

"Maybe I wouldn't of if you would have just been honest with me. And so I wouldn't have to see you two eyeing at each other from the stage, it made me sick," Paul leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his tea.

"Children, children, settle down," John barged in, "It's fine now, nothing to be worried about."

"Oh, there's plenty I can be worried about that could go on between the two of them..." Paul scoffed.

I knew what Paul was aiming at there.

"Because you've never done it?" I said sarcastically.

Paul glared at me.

John kept looking back and forth between us like a tennis match, constantly taking sips of his tea.

We sat there for a few more seconds until Paul sighed, "I can really see what John was saying, about you guys...You two really are cute. I saw you holding onto him as we were walking home..."

"You guys really care about each other," John was finishing the end of Paul's sentence, "I mean, Jesus Christ, the way you took care of him tonight was amazing! You are prefect for each other!"

I grinned a little and Paul agreed with John.

We all sat silent and waiting for someone to say something.

"Do you love him?" John asked.

Paul frowned a bit.

I was shocked that John asked that, especially in front of Paul.

"Pssht, no, of course not! How could I love him? We've barley even been dating!"

"That doesn't mean anything Diana," John said, "If you love someone, you love someone. Time doesn't matter."

I didn't reply to that, it took me by surprise...

"Hell, the way George talks about you even makes me believe in true love," John laughed a little.

I hesitantly got up from the couch and walked away from John and Paul.

I was speechless. What was I supposed to say? That I did love George? How could I?

But what John said made sense, time didn't really matter.

I mean, you love your mother the second you are born, how could anything else be different?

Kind of a sloppy chapter...🙈

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