Chapter 13: Back. (EDITED AS OF 2021)

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Smii7y's POV~

God I feel real bad, but that's besides the point.

I just kissed er made out with Y/N and Evan.....likes...her.

If he finds out I did anything with her, I'm a dead man.

Anxiety began to overwhelm me as we pulled up into the drive thru.

Just keep yourself together Smii7y, he won't find out.


" Let's go." Smii7y said as we got off the car and went to the front door.

" Guyssss~" Smii7y said poking him head into the house.

" WHAT!?!" I heard all of them yell.

He stepped inside then motioned me to come in.

I slowly walked in, instantly everyone's eyes went wide, especially Vanoss.

Vanoss shook his head and stood up from the couch, with an angry expression.

" Y/N! My office! Now!" he said sternly to me.

"This bitch, I come strolling back because I know y'all missed me sooooo much and you talk to me like that?" I say, smirking.

He sighs heavily, and storms upstairs.

I rolled my eyes, but followed because I know someone will give a hissy fit.

I followed as we went upstairs.

We kept walking, passing his office room.

We passed it? Why?

He then stopped in front of a room, he turned to look at me and motioned me to go inside.

I went in without saying anything.

I looked around, " Is this your bed-"

I was cut off to him slamming against the wall.

He looked at me not with anger, but oh god the look Smii7y gave me.

" I said you weren't allowed to leave, and you do. In the process of breaking my house window." he smirked at me.

I tried moving but damn was he fucking strong.

He came up to my ear, " And you went with The Misfits, them having you and not me?" he whispered

I started to feel panic, is this guy gonna rape me or something?!

I actually started to feel very scared, " Vanoss I-"

" Call me Evan." he said.

I get a sliver of irritation and use it for boldness.

" Evan the fuck do you think you're doing. You act like you own me or something." I hiss grabbing a hold of his wrist and digging my nails into his skin.

He doesn't react to it but look in his eyes fade and is changed an emotion I can't tell. Regret? (Idk man I just work here.)

I was about to make escalate worse until there was a knock at the door.

He growled and let go of me.

" WHAT!" he yelled.

" DON'T FUCKING YELL AT ME ASSHOLE I CAN KILL YOU IF I WANT!!! Anyways Anthony needs you, like right now!" Delirious called from outside the door.

Evan groaned and looked back at me. While I gave him a dirty look.

He sighed and opened the door and left.

I smirk "Aw poor Owl didn't get to finish what he started." I taught. Making him scoff and leave.

Delirious stood there looking at me.

He slowly walked up to me, " Are you okay?" he asked actual concern laced in his voice.

I gave him a smirk even tho I still felt agitated, " Of course I'm okay!" I hiss at him and started walking away.

" He wouldn't have done anything you know?" Delirious said making me stop and look back at him.

"Of course, cuz I wouldn't let it happen." I said looking hat him with a shadow eyed look.

He shivered at the look I gave him.

With that I turned and went back downstairs.

                                        Delirious' POV~

I watch as Y/N leaves me, "Holy shit that was hot." I blush.


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