Chapter 1

225 11 11

Your pov
(Trey on the left Ar'mon on the right)

"Ar'mon! Get ya ass up nigga damn!" I yelled as I shook him harshly. He groaned in response and pushed me away, smacking his lips at me. I rolled my eyes and walked away to take a shower. Fine if he dont wanna get up for school and see all his niggas not my fault.

I hopped in the shower and took a quick one. Today was our first day of school. Currently I'm a 11th grader at California High school. Ar'mon and Trey are in 12th grade.

They are my only older brothers. Our parents died from a drive by. They use to be into a gang too. I mean i never knew which gang they were in but i hate gangs so much just because gangs are the reason my parents are dead. I just can't believe Ar'mon and Trey went behind Dads back and joined a gang. I try not to think about it much though. One day they will see.

We live in a small apartment with three rooms and a big ass bathroom. It's good enough for all three of us for now. I let the shower over me also letting the music that was playing in the steamy hot shower filled the room up.

After a while I finally finished my stress taking shower and got dressed.

  After a while I finally finished my stress taking shower and got dressed

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Yeah i gotta look fresh for the firat day of school.

I looked at myself in the mirror and finally got my back pack. The school isn't really that far from our apartment so I can just leave without Ar'mon and Trey.

Right after i left the house i get a text message from Ar'mon.

Armeezy👌💯: You really left with out us sis

Y/n: I told you to wake up but nooo😂

Armeezy👌💯: You could have tried harder Y/n

I rolled my eyes and left him on read so I could continue my journey to the High school.

As i walked inside i felt eyes all over my body. Ladies and some niggas were staring at me. I pulled the pulled the offic door open and walked into the office.

The brown lady looked up at me and smiled "what do you need Y/n?" She asked me. That is my principle , Dr. Andrews aka Sexy ass principle aka hershy kiss. She so beautiful deadass. Also she is only 21. Very, very intelligent.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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