31. Fin.

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I can feel you're awake, Cer. Drake thought to him, making Cerat scowl at the back of Warden's head. They'd moved at some point during the night and now he was squirming slightly in Drake's too-warm arms. It also didn't help that his butt was throbbing quite badly. 

"Pretty sure that was all you. Well, me in you, but you goaded me." Drake said, quieting his words toward the end of his sentence when Cerat glared over his shoulder at him. 

Shutting up now. Drake thought to him right before Warden rolled over and pulled Cerat into a hug, stealing him from Drake's arms with a sleepy smirk. 

"Hey, I was using that ice cube. It's hot in here." Drake said, his tone mischievous as he sat up. 

Cerat let himself enjoy the attention for a few moments before pushing himself up and yawning. He didn't even get five seconds of peace before Drake's hand was on his head, ruffling his already-messy bed-head. 

"You're actually pretty cute when you aren't hissing or sucking on someone." Drake noted, then added. "Unless it's me, and there's no fangs involved." 

Cerat leaned in when Drake swiped his tongue along his bottom lip, nipping the tip just enough to make it bleed. It got him a growl in response, but instead of any other action, Drake just rolled his eyes and leaned down, stealing a rough kiss from Warden. 

"This chicken's not for breakfast." Warden mumbled once he was able to get in a decent gasp of air. 

Drake pouted, but Warden just shoved his shoulder and got out of bed. His naked body drew, and held, their attention without fail until he disappeared into the bathroom. 

 "Dibs!" Drake yelled as he leaped from the bed, only to have the bathroom door shut in and locked in his face. 

Cerat raised an eyebrow at the abrupt cock block and grinned. "You got dibs alright. Great job landing that bird." 

Instead of the scowl he expected, Cerat's eyes widened when Drake suddenly pounced on him, pinning him easily to the blankets even though he was baring his fangs at him. 

"You really enjoy taunting predators, don't you, you little carrot?" Drake grumbled. 

Cerat knew that he wouldn't hurt him, even with the narrowed eyes and tightening grip on his arms. Drake's emotions were flowing through his mind, the guy having likely forgotten to keep the connection in check since he was clearly distracted. 

"Your emotions are making me nauseous. I'm not a cuddler, and that's exactly what your mind is screaming at me right now." Cerat said with a straight face, making Drake's mouth slip open slightly from surprise. 

"This damn bond thing is going to make me look like a pansy." Drake grumbled right before Cerat chuckled. "It's a pretty flower at least?" 

The glare he got in response just made his smile grow as he reached up and grabbed Drake's face, pulling him down for a quick kiss. 

"I'm going to go eat before we head back to finish all this stuff up for good." Cerat said, drawing a raised eyebrow from Drake as he leaned back, letting him get off the bed. 

"I'll come with you." He said abruptly, making Cerat pause as he tugged up a pair shorts that were clearly a bit too big on him.

At that moment Warden stepped out of the bathroom with a white towel around his waist. Cerat licked his lips, his eyes locking on Warden's neck before he forced himself to take a few steps out of the room. 

"Going to go drown myself in blood." He mumbled as he turned and hurried to the kitchen. 

He was not looking forward to dealing with Bradeson and or the elder Caste, Warden's father, but he knew that he had to deal with it. 

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