Dating Faith Seed Would Include

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Dating Faith Seed would include:

Her always getting you flowers. Your favourite of course.

Walks through the compound's gardens or through the trees of Henbane River or taking walks by the river.

Sweet, loving kisses.

Lot's of hugs and cuddles.

Confessions of love on a daily basis.

Dancing together and laughing even though there is no music.

Laughing and giggling together.

Staying up all night talking or falling asleep under the stars.

Sharing her love for nature and natural beauty.

Just Faith being adorable and innocent with those sweet little smiles.

Little kisses on the nose.

Hugs were she wraps her arms around your neck and practically throws herself at you, usually when she has been missing you.

Her scattering your face with gentle kisses.

I will be doing one of these for each of the siblings! Comment if you want one of these for any gun of hires!

Requests for preferences?

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