what it says...

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"Shoot," your voice faltered the moment the jacket hugged your whole figure, it being twice your body size made every one of your members scream in panic.

"Lisa where is your cardigan?"

"That definitely isn't yours!"

"Oh my God, Lili!"

Before you can even respond, the production manager came in eyeing everyone of you warily.

"Girls, you need to go to the stage in one minute,"

"Fuck," you whispered as you felt a few pairs of hands pushing you guys so you can go to the stage.

There's no turning back.

So there you are,  standing in the middle of the stage, ready to perform for an awards show, with a jacket you didn't know has a stage name printed at the back.

What does it say?


At least according to the articles that swamped our entertainment company the next day.

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