Chapter 21

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"It was just the craziest thing. She knew I had to go help Adeline and she still asked me to go to green gables with her." Said Adeline. "Maybe she just forgot." Gilbert insisted. "No, it was like she wanted me not to help." Said Diana. They walked in silence the rest of the walk. They all wondered what was up with Anne. They finally got to the house. "This is it?" Adeline asked in disbelief. "Yes." Replied Gilbert. Gilbert knocked on the door and Adeline's mother answered. "Come in." She Said quietly. It was obvious that Adeline's mother was shaken by her daughters behavior. "She hasn't come downstairs in two days....she's only aten half of a sandwich." Her mother said. Diana was shocked by all of this and was devastated. "You can all climb up there, please help her." Adeline's mother said gesturing towards the ladder and then walking away. Everyone climbed up the ladder and looked at Adeline. Her face was red, her hair was knotty, and she was just staring out into nothing. "Hello Adeline, it's Gilbert. I brought Diana and Cole." Said Gilbert. Adeline turned her head and stared at Cole. "Why did you all come." Adeline said. "We care about you." Cole said staring into her eyes. Hey eyes were blank, they weren't her natural bright blue they were darkened, almost a grey. "I don't know when I'll come back." Adeline said quietly. "We will wait for you." Said Diana smiling at her. "I've missed you all." Adeline said with her eyes starting to well up. "We've missed you." Said Cole placing his hand on hers. "School just isn't the same. Who will answer all the questions?" Said Diana. They all started laughing. Is this the group I've actually wanted? Do I really need Anne? This just feels right. Diana kept thinking to herself, what if this was the group?

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