Chapter 4️⃣9️⃣

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Graysons POV
As I come out the bathroom and finish talking with my parents, assuring them that everything was alright, I see that Emily is mounted on top of Jack's shoulders. What the fuck is she doing ? I told her I didn't want her touching any other boy. I don't care who it is even if its her brother. I stare and watch to see what happens and my blood begins to boil. As Gabby pushes Emily off Jacks shoulders and yells in victory for her win, Emily falls onto Jack and they end up on top of each other. Shes doing this on fucking purpose, she probably wanted to wear that bikini for Jack. I get angrier and angrier by the sec and I can't stand it anymore. I come running out the house and into the backyard.

"Emily !" I scream
"What ? " she looks at me in confusion
"I need to talk to you ! Right now !"
"Okay, calm down damn"

As Emily walks towards me , I grab her by the arm and yank her inside the house. I pull her up the stairs into my room as she asks a million questions all the way there.

"Grayson what the fuck is going on ?"She says as i lock my door.
"You ! You were out there basically fucking Jack !"
"W-what Grayson thats insane ! We were just playing a game."
"What ?! So im fucking insane now huh ?"
"No what Grayson , the fuck is wrong with you !"
"No no no you promised me ! You promised me you wouldn't cheat on me again ! And and and what do i see ? You all over Jack in the pool while I was gone ! Is that who you wanted to wear that slutty bikini for huh is that who ?!"
"Grayson youre talking like youre fucking crazy ! Jack is fucking gay and my bestfriend ! And i wasnt cheating on you , we were playing a fucking game !"
"Im your bestfriend ! Only me ! No other guy is allowed to touch you ! Only me !"
"And what if i was fucking bi huh ? I wouldnt be able to talk to Johanna or Gabby either ?"
"NO ONE ! youre allowed to talk to no one ! Only me !"
"You don't fucking control ! You're not my fucking mom ! I can do whatever the fuck i wa-"

And before she could even finish her sentence, i gave her a nice fat slap across her cheek.

Emilys POV
"Di-did you just fucking hit me ?"
"And ? You're mine ! I can do WHATEVER I want!"
"Touch me again and i will fucking kill you !"
"Haha sure slut"
"What did you just call me ?"
"You know what ? Were done, over , finished, i dont wanna speak to you ever again, dont call me , dont text me , youre blocked, don't ever try to contact me"
"No you know what ! You talked so much of how you love me and how youll never hurt me, all lies , all fucking lies ! You cheated on me endlessly and each time , each fucking time i forgave you and took you back ! And the one time i make a mistake , you wanna hit me ? We have been through hell together, we have almost died for each other ,and this ? Over one stupid mistake ? Were breaking up ? You know through all the bullshit , i have always loved you, always stayed by your side , but you getting mad and abusing me for hanging out with my bestfriend , i cant and will not take it. Im done Grayson. Fucking done"

And with that i storm out of the room.

*a week later*
I haven't spoken to Grayson since the last time I was at his house. I feel so heartbroken and confused and i dont know maybe i overeacted ? He did hit me so maybe not. I see him moping around school everyday but i never give him any of my attention. Johanna thinks i did the right thing but Gabby says i should talk to him and maybe go to therapy together. I don't know what to do, I just need more time.

As Im deep in thought i notice my mom calling my name, telling me to come downstairs. I didn't even notice she was home, she's usually not. I swiftly make my way downstairs and I notice both my brothers sitting at the kitchen table across my mom.

"Whats going on ? Who died ?"
"Nobody died, sit down"My mom says in a extremely serious tone.
"Okay"I speak
"So you guys know we moved here because of the promotion I got. Well guess what ? I got a new promotion but as before, we have to move"
"What ? We can't move !"Sam screams out
"We have to honey"
"When ?" I ask
"A week"
"I can't believe this is happening again"Alex speaks
"Go start packing"my mom orders

*a few days later*
As the week passed by I grow tiresome of having to pack my whole life into tiny brown boxes. I leave in 2 days and it doesnt even feel real. Ive hung out with Gabby , Johanna, and Jack almost everyday. Ill have to leave my bestfriends all over again just like back in maryland. I barely speak to Sarah and Henry now. And its gonna be the same in a few months when I leave Gabby, Johanna, and Jack.

As I continue to pack my things into a box , i find a small bracelet at the bottom corner of my drawer. Its the bracelet Henry and Sarah gave me when i left Maryland. Oh my God , its about two years old and i only wore it for like a month or two after being here. I slowly slide the beautiful gold bracelet on and make a promise to myself to never take it off.

A few moments later as I continue to pack my things up , trying to hurry as fast as I can being as I leave in two days, Johanna walks through the door.

"Hey boo"she says walking over to the bed
"Hi luv"
"So you ready to leave ?"
"Fuck no, but what am I gonna do , im barely 16 , i can't stay here on my own"
"Maybe my mom can adopt you"
"I wish"
"Have you told Grayson ?"
"I uh didnt even think about it"
"You're not gonna tell him ?"
"I don't know, I haven't talked to him since the party"
"You should, hes your first love , he deserves to know"
"He doesn't deserve shit"
"Emily how would you feel if one day you looked across the street and saw new people moving in and Grayson didnt even tell you where he went"
"I hate it that your always right"
"Come on, I'll walk you over"

After a 2 minute walk were at the dolan house and i suddenly can't move a muscle in my body.

"Whats wrong ?"
"Im nervous"
"Youll be fine"
"I uh -"
"Listen you know Grayson better that his own mother and so does he , so calm down, youll be fine"

We walk up to the front door and Johanna gives it a slight knock. I dont know why we never use the doorbell. After a few moments we hear heavy footsteps and I pray that its Ethan opening the door.

God mustve not heard my prayers because one sad eyed Grayson opened the door.

"Emily ?"
"Hi Grayson"
"Imma just go straight to Ethans room"Johanna says awkwardly
"Um come in"Grayson says to us.
"Can we uh talk ?"
"Uh yea of course"

We walk in and we walk to his backyard into a little red cassido. We sit down at the little white couches and i feel like i can't breathe. It all feels so surreal.

"Look" we both say in sync
"You go first" Grayson speaks
"No you"
"Okay look I know everything has been a bit hectic lately but we have survived through worse and I promise Ill change , Im sorry for everything, i shouldn't have ever touched you, i shouldn't have ever treated you that way, you deserve way better , but i love you with all my heart and I truly believe you are my soul mate, please can you forgive me and be mine again , please ?"

Im so loss at words , my heart is so happy but so sad at the same time. I slowly lean in and give him a kiss. I give him a long lasting kiss , a kiss that makes me forget the whole world and just be in that moment. I slowly break the kiss but stay close to his face and whisper

"Im moving"

Authors note:
Wow Emily a cliffhanger really wow, anywaays hi guys , second to last chapter , im bouta cry , i cant believe my book is ending , this book is my baby, im so sad. But hope you guys enjoy, love ya <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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