A Sign

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 As Elijah stepped out of the automated car, he was greeted by the man from the board meeting, an annoyed look on his face. "Mr.Kamski, back so soon?" He questioned, not actually caring for his answer.

Elijah merely flashed him a grin as they began to walk towards the entrance of CyberLife Tower, Chloe trailing behind him, "Just here to pick out my first order, Mr. Maxwell. How's things been around here lately? After all you are the new CEO." Elijah replied mockingly.

Maxwell threw a glare towards him before coldly replying, "CyberLife's affairs are no longer your concern, Mr. Kamski."

Before Elijah had the chance to throw a comment back, they had arrived at the storage room for prototypes, "Here are all of the YK200 models we currently have. Of course being unfinished models means there are somethings that you will have to add to it's programming yourself, but I'm sure you can handle it. Pick one and be on your way." Maxwell said, obviously eager to see Elijah leave once again.

Walking around the room, he examined them closely. The YK200 models we designed to look like children around the age of 9, some male and some female. Elijah paused as he saw one that caught his eye. It appeared to be female with (e/c) optical components and (h/l) (h/c) hair. She looked absolutely adorable to Elijah, her big round eyes and the small pout her neutral face setting displayed tugged at his heart strings.

He placed a hand gently on it's cheek, a small smile creeping its way onto his face, "This is it, this is the one."

Suddenly, the door to the room flew open to reveal one of CyberLife's employees. She ran over to Maxwell, a look of fear edged on her face, M-Mr. Maxwell, there's been an incident."

He looked at her inquisitively, "Incident? What kind of incident?" He questioned.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her shaking voice before speaking once again, "We just received a report, an android has attacked it's owner."

Both Kamski and Maxwell tense up at her words, their eyes growing wide in disbelief. "Ridiculous," Maxwell spoke, "that would mean that the android has becom-"

"Deviant, yes that is what they're saying, sir." She quickly finished for him.

Maxwell shook his head, "Imposible, Deviancy is merely an absurred theory that Kamski had thought up."

The worker nodded, "Yes sir, I'm well aware of that but unfortunately his theory was correct it is possible for Deviancy to occur in an android."

The room was silent for a moment as Maxwell processed everything he just heard. He turned towards Elijah who stood in disbelief at what he just heard. Even he never thought he'd see the day where an android broke free of its codding. "Well Mr. Kamski, what do you suppose we do?" Maxwell questioned nervously.

Elijah blinked a few times, allowing his brain to catch up before answering, "Why are you asking me? Like you said Mr. Maxwell the affairs of CyberLife are no longer any of my concern." He sneered before walking towards the exit of the storage room, leaving Maxwell and the woman to gape in shock at his words. He threw one last comment over his shoulder before he took his leave, "I expect my purchase to be delivered by tomorrow. Have a nice day, Mr. Maxwell."

Elijah had never really been a religious man, but if some higher being was ever going to give him a sign to make a Deviant then this was surely it.

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