Harry meets Lucius

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A/N: Hey guys! Have several 'notices'. First of all: This is dedicated to GrannySmith_DM for all the awesome votes and comments! You make me laugh so much, it's not even funny 😂😂 Second: Pride @ Hogwarts Part Three is in the works, along with part two of Tattoos and Flower Crowns, so expect them to be either the next update or in the next few updates. And third: I have a few books in the works and I was thinking about publishing one of them. But I have so many drafts that I don't know which one to pick 😂 I'll put the descriptions some of them down below, at the end of this one and you guys can tell me which one you'd prefer to see? Of course, the Drarry updates will continue 😁😁 Without further ado, enjoy, vote and comment!

"And this is a dessert spoon." Harry nodded. Draco stared at him worriedly. He bit his thumb and stepped back from the table. "Say it back." He ordered. Harry rolled his eyes. "Soup, dessert, coffee." He recited. Draco still looked worried. "Forks." "Phoenix." Harry replied instantly. Draco narrowed his eyes at him. "Shut up Bella." Harry grinned then gasped dramatically and grabbed his hair. "But Edward-" ,gasp, "-I can't live without-" ,groan, gasp, "-either of you!" He bit his lip and ran his hand through his hair. In any other situation, Draco would have laughed and played along, falling onto his knees and crying dramatically, "I have no soul, you can't love a monster like me!" But this time, Draco glared at him, unimpressed. "Now is not the time to be mocking the ridiculousness of Twilight!" He snapped. Harry pointed a finger at him. "You claim it's ridiculous, but you read all the books." Draco stomped and folded his arms. "I told you! It was to laugh at the plot!" He said hotly. Harry snickered. "Sure."

"This is completely off topic!" Draco shrieked. "My father will pick at everything you do, tearing up your self esteem to pieces like a vulture ripping apart a carcass!" Harry sobered up. "I won't let him. And if he tries to do it to you, I'll give him hell." Draco rolled his eyes. "I doubt Hades will make time in his busy schedule of death to help you wreak havoc on my father." But he softened and sat across from Harry at the table. "I just want to get this over and done with." He said softly. Harry reached over and grabbed his hand gently. "I know." He said simply. Across the room, the fire roared and Narcissa's head appeared in the grate. Draco jumped up and hurried over to the fireplace. "Draco, dear, it's ten to seven. You know how your father is about punctuality." She said. Harry twisted around in his chair and smiled warmly at her. "Hello Cissa!" He cried. Narcissa smiled at him, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Hello Harry dear. Does he have you learning utensils again?" Harry faked a grimace of disgust. "Yes. But it's fine. Now I know what type of spoon I'm hitting him with when he annoys me." Narcissa laughed and Draco fake scowled. "See? Abuse!" He cried. Narcissa shook her head and with a reminder to hurry up, she disappeared.

Draco narrowed his eyes at the now empty grate. Harry came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Time to go." He said softly. All humour had gone from the room, leaving a bitter tension in its place. Draco nodded. He took a breath and threw a handful of glittering Floo Powder into the fire. The flames roared green and they stepped in, side by side, Draco now clutching Harry's hand. "Malfoy Manor."

They stepped out of one of the many grates in the foyer. Draco brushed the soot off his suit. "Why do you have so many fireplaces?" Harry asked curiously. Draco dusted him off and eyed the grand room, a slight sneer on his face. "Parties." He explained gruffly. Harry gazed at the blond worriedly. The last time Harry had seen him so uptight and snobbish was in sixth year at Hogwarts. He squeezed his band gently and bumped his shoulder. "I'm here." He murmured. Draco looked at him gratefully. He took a deep breath, squared his shoulders and pushed open the double doors that lead into the dining room. What Draco saw in that moment shocked him to the very core and would stay with him for the rest of his days.

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