Global Warming Essay

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Global warming is a huge problem, as stated by scientists. Global warming can have a huge effect, as the world has risen 1 degree, and there are already more wildfires that are spreading into yards, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters being caused by global warming. The more Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the faster the temperature will rise. So how do people, globally, stop this?

Global warming has had a huge effect on the world, and temperature has only risen one degree Celsius. However, one-degree Celsius is a total change of 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. That is almost 2 degrees higher! And that's a huge difference, and has affected glaciers, and causes many animals environments to change at a rapid rate. With the ecosystem changing all the time, the animals don't have enough time to adapt to their ever-changing habitat. Dianne Feinstein "Global warming is real. It is happening today. It is being charted by our satellites. It is being charted by our scientists. It is being charted by those of us in this body, and I think the real key is if we are ready to admit that fact and take the action to make the necessary conversion."

So how do we stop it? Global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels and oils. Houses use it all the time when they leave things such as Televisions that are plugged in when they aren't being used. Cars leave behind exhaust, and the burning of garbage, etc. You can help by unplugging these things, carpooling, recycling, and composting so fewer things get put into the dump where the trash will be burned, where it will put even more carbon dioxide into the air. Instead, reuse things, fix things, instead of just throwing them out into the trash. David Suzuki has stated that "Many countries - as well as cities, states, and provinces - are taking global warming seriously and are working to reduce emissions and shift to cleaner energy sources."

Global warming is a huge problem, but it can still be stopped. In 2008, a documentary on global warming came out and had stated that the world had ten years. We have one year before the ten years is up, but we can still make an impact and improve on the rates of changing global warming. So get up, and start helping the world change fate, and change global warming. 

I personally don't believe in global warming, but it was for my science class... Hence the short length. 

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