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Eyes fluttering open, I stared at the bottom of my bunk bed. My warm blankets were keeping me warm. I looked at my phone for the time. Six fifty-nine, Almost seven. Looking at the battery, I see my phone is fully charged. I pulled it off the charger, on my phone started making an annoying noise, also known as my alarm. I pushed snooze, and closed my eyes, trying to drift back into slumber.

Hearing footsteps, I sighed. Opening the door to my room, my dad flipped on the light. "Wake up, time to get ready."

"'Kay," I said, sighing.

My father started to walk downstairs, to get ready to go work on our property where we're building a new house. I turned my body to the side, avoiding the light. It had washed out the light my colorful Christmas lights made in the dark. I didn't need them for night lights, but it did look good for decoration. Plus, with my thick black curtains, that had a thin, transparent red layer on the inside, my room was pitch black with no lights, and the door closed-another reason for the lights. Otherwise, I'd be tripping over my bag, or whatever else was on my floor.

Usually, I kept my pretty room clean, but other times, the cats would knock things off my dresser, or I was just too busy doing homework or helping my dad, that I didn't bother.

The light was still on as I lay. By now, it was seven-ten. I sighed, as I never liked getting up any earlier than seven-thirty for school. Sadly, however, my parents always made me get up at seven, even though I didn't need to be up that early.

Grabbing a pair of jeans, and a plaid shirt, I changed out of my pajamas, into them, and packed my backpack with my laptop, it's charger, and my phone charger, and homework.

Walking downstairs, I yawned, and set the bag down on the couch, and went to the bathroom to brush my hair. After that, I grabbed a cereal box, and a milk jug, a spoon, and a clean bowl.

Pouring the milk and cereal into the bowl, I sighed, and began to eat my cereal. About five minutes later, I had finished and put everything away, and the dishes on the counter, I headed back to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

My cat, Kushina(クシナ); which means red pepper in Japanese, rubbed against my leg and mewed. I sighed and picked her up. She started to purr as I scratched the side of her face. Setting her on the counter, I put toothpaste on my toothbrush, and began to brush my teeth.

After I rinsed my mouth, Kushina started to sniff the sink for any water. I laughed and filled the sink full of cold water. She drank.

Grabbing my sweatshirt, I slipped it on and sighed. Seven forty-five. I've always realized the earlier I wake up, the slower I get ready. Shrugging, I put on my shoes and sat down. Usually, I never finished getting ready until eight, when I wake up early. Looking around the living room, I saw Simba; Kushina's younger brother, who was an orange tiger, snuggling her. Kushina was a torbie (Tortoiseshell, and tiger mix). My other cats, Isme; which means a loved one, and Bella; named after Belle from beauty and the beast, were almost always outside. It was like there were only two cats now instead of four. Oliver, our fluffy black cat, was given to our cousins as a gift, so he was no longer around.

I sighed and took a deep breath. The house was a bit chilly, but that was to be expected. Blinking, I could tell I was still tired, and so I made myself some coffee. Then I took a packet of hot cocoa with marshmallows, and poured the mix in, and stirred. The cup was golden, and the cap I had just put on it, was clear. I looked at the time once more. Eight, it was time to go to school.

I sighed and picked up my backpack, slinging it over my right shoulder. Walking towards the door, I lifted the handle upwards, walked outside, closed the door, and walked down the steps of the porch. The ground was covered in frost, and it was cold outside. I exhaled through my mouth and could see my breath.

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