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For @caity_caityln. Enjoy!


Dally's POV

It's been over one week. Maybe more than just a week. The gangs pretty mad because I was the last person to see Winter. Darry paced around the room.
"Dally, you have to know where she is."
I've been telling Darry that i have no idea where she can be. I felt horrible. She left because I was all hard on her. I didn't mean anything. Ever since I stayed in the hospital, I had a lot to think of. When we were in the drive ins, the day before the rumble, she had kissed me. I thought I had felt nothing.
"For the millionth time. I don't know where she is."
Two-Bit laughed.
"I thought Dally here couldn't count."
Two-Bit laughed, but only Steve joined him.
"She just can't go missing like that. You were the last one to see her. You at least could've run after her."
I shrugged. I didn't know where she was. And I didn't have the heart to at least chase after her. Not after I yelled at her. Yeah, it's been different ever since she left. It's been more quieter. Like if life just gave up.
"There must've been a reason for her to just run off. Dally What did you do?"
What have I done. That was the real question. I've lost the girl. Lost the one I liked. The one that I love. It was all my fault. And it was all because I didn't want to express my love for her. Because I was afraid to love someone who's love is stronger than mine.
"What did you do!"
I pushed him away, and sat on the couch.
"Dallas Winston, what did you do t-"
"Ey! Relax alright. Winter's probably off in the country. Somewhere safe. She's not stupid enough to put herself in danger, alright."
Darry sighed. Everyone was quiet by now.
"Then why has she been missing for a week?"
I looked over to Johnny. Only he knew that I had something for Winter. He nodded towards me.
"Okay. Well the night before she ran away...I might've said some things. I told her to uh, to stay away from me and-"
Darry took me by the collar, and before he even placed a finger on me, the gang stopped him. I didn't mind him being all rough. I deserve it. Soda pulled Darry away.
"Listen, why won't we all calm down. Winter's missing. Let's go do what normal people do, and look for her."

We've been searching all over. We stopped and went over to the DQ. It brought a lot of memories. Especially because we were in the country. That was when Winter had saved me from the burning church. She saved me from almost loosing my life. The gang stopped walking. They yelled over to where I was.
"Dal! We found her jacket!"
I looked up and ran. Her jacket? I ran all over, trying to find her. She was probably near. Then I heard voice near by. It was her. I looked all over. She had to be somewhere here. There. She was there with a guy. Walking towards a small house. I ran and ran. That was until I caught up and grabbed the guy. I grabbed him by the collar and punched him.
"Dally! Dally stop it!"
Winter pushed me off. She stood in front of him.
"What do you think your doing!" She yelled.
I looked straight to her. What have I done?
"Winter, I-I. What are you doing here with him?"
She frowned.
"I don't need to explain to you."
I frowned. Was that my replacement?
"You can't just go off, a-and run off with some guy."
She scoffed.
"Right after you yelled at me. You think I'm going to stay? Dallas you were my best friend, okay. I didn't know what to do. I was lost!"
"But because you were lost, you found yourself a new guy. Winter I-I love you alright! The only reason why I told you to leave me alone was because I was scared."
"Scared of what."
"That I wasn't good enough for you."
Winter ran and kissed me. I was shocked, but kissed her back.
"I love you too," she whispered.
I smiled. I hugged her. Winter was all I needed by my side. It was her that I loved. And only her.
"So who's that guy?" I whispered.
"Oh him. He's Lannan. An Australian guy who I met with earlier. He was nice enough to let me stay over his house. Lannan's just a good friend, that's all."
I looked over to Lannan. He smiled. I smirked.
"Sorry, man."
He waved his hand.
"Oh that's okay."
I hugged her once more and kept her in my grip for awhile.
"I've missed ya, Angel. I love you."

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