Chapter Thirty-Eight "Meeting the Winchesters"

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            Freddie bowed to me and kissed my hand as the guests began to come forth and wish me well. I was thankful when Lady Edgehill made her way to my side to save me from the onslaught of strangers. "Come, Margaret, there are some people that I need you to meet," she spoke deliberately and the crowd gave way a bit allowing us to walk through.

            "Thank you," I breathed with relief, "the space was filling in too much for my liking." I looked about as we walked, trying to locate Thomas again, but I did not find him.

            "Miss Margaret Woodbridge, I would like you to meet dear friends of ours," Lady Edgehill said as we stopped before an older couple, "This is Lord and Lady Winchester." I recognized the name immediately and curtsied.

            "Pleased to meet you," I smiled and wished that Faith would have been here for this.

            "Lord Winchester a viscount," Lady Edgehill whispered to me as her friends made pleasantries, "it is important to make connections." She leaned towards Lady Winchester, "Is your son not here?"

            "Oh no, Philip is here," Lady Winchester held up a gloved hand, "he is either getting refreshments or seeking a comrade to keep the young ladies at bay."

            "What is with these sons of ours," Lady Edgehill laughed, "Why do they have such aversion to the companionship of a lovely young lady?" As she said that she gave a slight tug to my sleeve as if to fix the puff at the shoulder, "When Gideon was Thomas' age he had set about to woo me most definitely."

            "Truth be told, Lady Edgehill, I think Philip has lost his heart," my own heart skipped a beat as Lady Winchester spoke, could it be that Faith's Mr. Winchester has been holding his hope for her as well?

            "Oh really?" Lady Edgehill asked moving closer to her friend so they could talk in lower voices, "Has he said anything?"

            "No, Philip has never been one to talk much," she said as she began to fan herself, "but after the Viscount's accident last Season, he returned home and had been forlorn ever since. I tried to introduce him to some very pretty and well received young ladies but he has shown no interest. It wasn't until we decided to return to London this Season that he has brightened at all." Listening intently as I attempted to appear to be listening to the Viscount's detailed description of his latest hunting trip, I tried to take everything in. I would want to share all of this with Faith.

            "Perhaps he will encounter this unknown lady here," Lady Edgehill said as she scanned the guests, "Now Margaret, you will want to meet Philip, he is a school friend of . . . well now." Both Lady Winchester and I followed her gaze. There in a corner with easy access to the hallway stood Thomas and Philip talking with heads bowed as if in conspiracy, "Will wonders never cease," she asked turning to me when Thomas raised a glass towards us.

            "Excuse me, ladies," Freddie interrupted, "It appears that the dancing is soon to begin and I do have the pleasure of the first dance," he bowed and extended his hand, "Margaret, will you do me the honor?" I quickly took his hand and joined him, eager to step out from under the dissecting eye of Lady Edgehill.

            "Your timing is undeniably perfect, Freddie," I whispered as we took our places in the lines.

            "Are all things not favorable under the roof of Edgehill?" he asked quietly.

            "The Lady has just realized her son is in attendance when she believed him to abhor even the thought of the ball," I said glancing towards our hostess.

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