Unexpected Strength ( Part 8 )

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It was after school, i couldn't really concentrate properly because the events of last night back still laid fresh in my mind. I had a job tonight and on top of that I was being watched by bat coon, who had no idea who he was "flirting" with last night. I walked out of the school doors, I was in so deep of thought I didn't realise the person coming up behind me. "Hey Evan"
I turned around and looked at the person talking, it was Jonathan

"Hey jon, what's up?"

"Nothing just came to ask you a question"

"Sure, what's the question?"

"Well I was with the guys and well it turns out they have something I don't"

"A brain?" I laughed in between the words

He laughed his laugh and through his arm around my shoulder "no not that"

He was still chuckling and I just giggled and said "come on spit it out"

"Well I don't have your number!" He blurted bluntly

"Ok? Well that's good" I shook his arm off me and walked faster. I herd him huff and catch up to me

"Well if your not gonna give it to me I'm just gonna have to force it out of you" he smirked evilly

I rolled my eyes "good luck with that"

He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, he then cupped my face and kisses my cheek. I blush mad red and push him away

"J- Jonathan!"

"Its just numbers Evan" said while walking towards me and smirking

God that smirk.....

"Yeah! My numbers"

"Come on you big baby"

"No" I turned and walked further away. I didn't hear him try to chase me instead he yelled

"See you tomorrow baby!~"

"Fuck off!" I yelled back

*Few hours later*

I didn't dare go near my apartment because bat coon could be watching me still. Instead I just got all my equipment by driving around the city, I tried to get a suppressor for my sniper which was a little difficult. On top off that it was already 10:00pm and I had nearly everything I needed, I just needed a way to get on top of the building next to my targets party.

*1 hour later*

I was laying on my stomach looking through my scope, I was trying to spot the mayor. The sky was dark which was perfect for my job, I was wearing a black hoodie and black cargo pants along with black converses, and of course my owl mask. Finally I spotted him, he was standing next to a lot of people so I  couldn't really fire. I had to wait. He was wearing a black designer suit and a red tie, he was with a nice looking lady in a pretty blue dress and long black hair. His arm was around her waist, that must be his wife or that other guys wife. I didn't really care what actually concerned me was if I had enough time to do my homework tonight. I chuckled a little about it. Finally he began walk away from the crowd, my scope followed him perfectly. I was aiming at his chest, a shot from this far could rip up his flesh. He had some kind of security surrounding him, but it wasn't enough. He stopped at punch bowl and was getting himself a drink. I smirked and aimed at him, he wasn't facing my direction sadly but it didn't matter to me. I fired hitting him completely, the suppressor destroyed the sound astonishingly. Screams filled the party and people ran while the so called "guards" surrounded his body ( That Rhymed he he ) I laughed at the squirming ants down below. I stood up and put the sniper in a guitar case, I through it around my body and hurriedly tried to get away. Key word. Tried. I was immediately stopped by he is so mysterious, he stood near the ledge where was my only get away. My plan was to jump from building to building till I got the end of the street where my motorcycle was waiting "shit" I muttered as I stopped moving looked at the raccoon.

"This time you've gone to far vanoss!" He yelled as he stepped closer to me. I clicked my voice changer

"This time?..soo other times weren't far enough?" I chuckled at my bad joke.

" no more playing games vanoss....  You.are.going.down." he growled. His voice was strong and deep

"Finally had enough of my shit for lunch trash panda? *giggles* well to bad cause I'm done playing games too" I said deeply, trying to match his intimidating voice, I stepped closer. I dropped the sniper\guitar

"You really think your little voice changer is going to scare me owl man?" He walked towards me, I got in my fighting stance and slowly walked forward. He charged at me and swung his left arm. I dodged it and punched his rib, he dodged it and grabbed my arm. My eyes widened as he spun around and threw me over his shoulder. I managed to spin around and land on my feet

"Are you a cat?" He laughed at his joke

That laugh......

Out of nowhere he tackled me to the ground. He was between my legs and was he started to punch me. I brought my hands up to my face and began to protect my head. He was punching me hard, he actually landed a few punches that hurt badly. He then landed a punched to my neck, It left a burning sensation on my neck. He then hit me hard in the rib cage, I screamed out in pain. I kicked him off. He did a back flip and landed on his feet. I stood up and ignored the screaming pain in my body. I threw off the voice changer cause it over heated and lit on fire while on my neck. It didn't hurt but I still felt it, for once I knew I wasn't going to to get out of this with out hurting him good to point he can't walk. I was panting like a thirsty dog and his pushes had me kind of dizzy.... I have to get out of here fast

"Your weak!" he said running at me

I timed it perfectly as I got low a put my leg out then spun as fast as I could in a circle. I actually got him as he fell to the ground face first. I took the opportunity to jump on top of him, I sat on his back punched as hard as I could to legs. He let out a loud scream as he tried his hardest to through me off. I jumped off and kicked him in his face as hard as I could, he rolled on his back holding his head. I got on his chest and repeatedly punched him on his face. He blocked some of them but he kneed my back, I fell toward the ledge and actually almost fell off. I stood up and looked at him, he was just starting to stand up. He turned and faced me while holding a black knife.....

"Fuck...." I said lowly

He came charging at me while swinging the blade around, I couldn't dodge them all as some of them had cut my loose clothing. He brought the blade to my face as he sliced across my cheek, It was painful. I managed to run to the sniper\ guitar case, I picked it up and swung it at him. I didn't hit him but I knocked the knife out of his hand. He grunted loudly while holding his fist with his other hand, he took a few steps back and looked at me.

"You really aren't gonna beat me up with a guitar right?" He questioned while still holding his fist still.

"No......" I said putting the strap over my head. He let out a sigh of relief and looked down. "Instead....." He looked at me again "I'm going to hit you with This" I pulled out my grappling gun and shot his leg. The force of the gun was so strong he was spinning in the air. The wire of the gun rapped perfectly around his legs, he was on the ground tied. I walked towards him and used the rest of the wire to rap around his wrists and arms, he seemed to be in daze. I pressed the lock button and began walking away...... I stopped but didn't face him

"If you could fight like this..... Why didn't you do it sooner?"...... I said

I heard him shift around.....


Hey guys!!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been posting....... Just been busy as hell lightly!!!!! And i didn't fix any mistakes soooo sorry again but I hopped you enjoyed and as always I'll talk to all you guys later......

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