Coronation - 01

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Finalè - Part One Of Three

Finalè - Part One Of Three

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long ass finale because
I'm extra af and it's a finalè
so suck it up or go suck a dick

- Vio 🌷😁


The school was alive.

Truly, teeming with excitement at every corner. After two weeks off on Spring Break, everyone had a sense of recharged energy to them. Today, the first day back, each who attended the academy left their dorms empty to gain any viewing spot which wasn't already occupied in the academy halls. Those prepared had came back to the academy after the two week break days early to secure a spot closer to the main ballroom - those who failed to be clever hovering at each posted tv. Each waiting for the school royals who were bound to make an appearance, the only question arose when it came to exact timing. Though it could be argued that the element of surprise added to the suspense - therefore adding to the energy of it all.

Inside the ballroom, the venue was respectively packed as well. First and for most were the previous guards with former princesses still yet to make an entrance. Second was reserved to those of academic or extra curricular achievement. The academy's elite had already taken their stands on the outskirts of the area, only the most prestigious had gotten the chance to watch from inside. The event was more exclusive than the met gala itself.

The ballroom itself looked rather solemn as the camera operators from the filmography club began to switch the little lights from black to red, maneuvering their headsets as the boy's signaled for the orchestra to begin to play. The event was streaming on every single available screen in the academy, going from digital live streams to televised networks playing in the cafes around school grounds for those who came too late to fight through the commotion of students. Everyone looked their best, dressed in the finest out outfits they could muster. No matter where they sat, wether dorm or ballroom; each was jumping on the balls of their feet - waiting. Waiting it to start.

News of the today's grand event had spread during the second half for spring break like wildfire. The Courts, of course, knew that it would be held from the very start after the reigning princess decided that it was time. But for those outside the present and past royalty, it came as a painstaking shock. There were those who expected the announcement sooner than later, but none were particularly enthusiastic to have been right in their presumptions.

Today would be a Coronation.

Though it saddened most to think that Jimin, who had been the sole reigning princess for so long, was to pass on his crown, the indescribable energy overshadowed the moment of grief. Because it meant that there would be a new princess crowned - and Michelle Something in London got nothing to beat the buzz going on with this coronation. Suck in England, Jeju has more important royalty than you do.

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