How I feel about you (Part 1)

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This is Neil POV about meeting Avni after 10 years and him coming back to her.
Neil POV
When I first saw her in the dark, my eyes couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that Avni. My Avni was infront  of me after 10 years. The Avni that I thought was dead in front of me. As much as I was happy to see her, I was as mad. I was mad at her for not trusting me. For making me go through the pain. She claimed that she did it to save her "Perfect Family" which I agree was important but I just felt that she didn't trust me enough that I would catch Vidyut. She doubted our love. I couldn't forgive her for the pain that she gave me. Each day, each night was restless. I slept crying everyday wishing to just see a glimpse of her. I never went through this much pain when I lost Juhi but for Avni, it was different. God made us together and he also broke us apart. I kept her attached to my heart knowing that I could never forget her. I remembered each moment we spent. Though we knew each for about a year and half, we made enough memories for a whole lifetime. I remember the time we first met. We had hatred in our eyes but love in our heart. On our first meet, I had a nickname for her. Mrs Ajooba. She was such a wonder. She made an effect on me on the first meet. As I looked in her eyes, I saw pain that she tried to hide. Hidden pain that had to be uncovered. I decipher her eyes and herself after that and slowly slowly without realizing it, I fell in love. She was on my mind each moment as an excuse for being Case 123 but I just knew that I had to solve her. I don't know why but I just had to. She became my obsession and I did everything I could to uncover her but she was equally as smart as me as she never let me. The time she hugged me in Mahabhaleshwar. I  felt a instant connection. A instant comfort. As though I felt shocked, I hugged her back feeling warmth. When I saved from her the gas leak. I almost stopped breathing and freaked out not knowing what happened. It was then DD and Neela Maa who noticed the concern that I had for Avni. Though I said it was concern, Maa was sure it was love. It was moments like these that I cherish. The meetings, the celebrations and the sad moments too. The best part about loving Avni is that I never knew when I fell In love with her. I remembered during the honeymoon that I didn't want to lose and be close to her not knowing that I fell in love with her. I think it was during the bomb blast when I realized that I didn't want to live without her. I wanted to support her, be by her every moment. And now when she appeared infront of me, I could see nothing but betrayal. Betrayal that she has done to me and my family. I almost didn't want to see her face. My heart told me that I still love her and that I wanted her to be in my life but my mind kept telling me about how much pain she gave me in the last 10 years. I was so caught up in my ego and pain that I never asked her. All I could think of myself and how much she made me suffer. Just when I thought I was getting close with her, she gave me another betrayal. Hiding the fact that I had a son and making him be a orphan. despite the fact that my son had two parents, she still raised him as a orphan. I knew the fact that from the moment I saw my son, I had a special connection. He gave me comfort and someone that made me happy by their presence. Like my Avni. Finding out that he was my son was another stab to my heart. Then I couldn't take it anymore. In my anger and pain, I divorced her. I divorced her as I didn't want to live with her anymore and I got my sons custody. My anger and selfishness got me to do a lot of stupid things which I regret. I got  my son to hate me as he didn't want to be away from his mother. I lost the love of my life and agreed to get married on impulse as I wanted to get rid of the pain I had. It was then when I saw the video. The video that changed my perspective of my pain. It was Neela Maas Murder video which showed how she got murdered accidentally by Prakash. I then realized why Avni stayed away for 10 years. She didn't want me to arrest Dad and lose the one man that constantly supported. One who gave her s father and changed her perspective. When I came to see her, I broke down in front of her and she consoled me saying that there was nothing we could do about it. She told me that it was better that if we stay apart and marry Mitali. She convinced me that I couldn't break my promise. I agreed to listen to her though I wasn't happy at all. Mitali saw this and let me be with Avni. I thanked her so much and I ran to receive my love. I told her about my feelings and my wish for us to be a happy family. I told her how much I love her and how I could never stay away from her. I wanted to give her the family that she deserves. The family that Mowgli deserves. Without Avni  there is no Neil. That's why I stayed alive in these last 10 years. As I told her, she stood still looking at me intently. Now I waited for her response"

Now I'll continue this and write Avni POV and see what happens. Hope you enjoyed🤗😘❤️

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